Sister Sh*t
Hey there, podcast lovers. We're Caroline and Meredith and we're here to bring you our brand new podcast, Sister Sh*t. We're two sisters with a passion for storytelling, silliness and shooting the shit. Get ready to join us as we dive into a wide range of topics that matter to us and we're sure matter to you too, from millennial nostalgia and current events, to personal growth, motherhood and hilarious stories from our childhoods.
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Sister Sh*t
Halloween Sh*t + Justin Timberlake's Pee Pee
Ever remember capturing something paranormal in a Polaroid picture during a middle school sleepover? Or felt the presence of a loved one even after they have passed away? In this spirited discussion, we live these eerie experiences through the tales of our listeners, reminding us that not all spirits are to be feared. Some are simply here to provide love and solace from the beyond.
As the spookiness subsides, we swap ghost stories for ghoulish fun as we meander down the memory lane, reminiscing about our favorite Halloween costumes and traditions. From debating the merits of Tootsie Rolls to recounting the tale of the escaped murderer with the hook hand, we have got it all. And our Halloween plans? Well, let's just say they involve a little sibling rivalry and some iconic movie characters.
To wrap up this bone-chilling journey, we share our reflections on the Judgment House, a Christian-based haunted house with a twist. We spill the beans on some humorous behind-the-scenes stories, discuss the somewhat controversial use of traumatic events as part of the experience, and even recall a real-life encounter that took us back to our Judgment House days. Brace yourselves, as the journey we are about to embark on isn't just about ghostly encounters, but also about nostalgia, laughter, and the complexity of human experiences.
All right, hello.
Speaker 2:Happy Halloween Happy.
Speaker 1:Halloween, we're finally making it through spooky season.
Speaker 2:This is your shit. I'm Meredith.
Speaker 1:This is your shit. I'm Caroline, okay, so okay, I have a good story that I want to share that is not spooky but, romantic, okay, and comforting, okay, okay.
Speaker 1:So we got an email from a gal that says, hey, girls, okay, so I have one, but it's not, it's like not scary, it's actually so cute. So maybe do this one to begin or end on a sappy note. Anyways, my Nana and Pop Pop built their house when they got married over 50 years ago, maybe 60 at this point. Well, as my great-grandmother got older, she moved in with my Nana and Pop Pop. She lived to be one month shy of 104. Oh my gosh. And she died in their house. After she died, nana, in her usual fashion, knocked down the wall between the two bedrooms to make a huge master bedroom and her usual fashion.
Speaker 1:If you knew who this was, you would understand.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Nana. We met her one time and went to five points with her.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, yep, yep.
Speaker 1:Yep, she's amazing, but okay, to make it a huge master bedroom. Well, jumped seven years later and Pop Pop passed away in the same room. After his passing, and literally still to this day, the two ceiling fans in the bedroom will blink, flash their lights nonstop whenever my mom, my sister or I come to visit.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, it's so crazy.
Speaker 1:But when we talk to him or our great-grandmother in the room, they come up. We have video proof of us asking Pop Pop if he loved us and he flicks the light. Stop it. Ben has experienced or I shouldn't say his name Ben has experienced it too. Haha, Just a gentle reminder that not all spirits are out there to get us, and some are just there to say hello and remind us that they love us and continue to have love for us. It's honestly reassuring to know they are there with Nana to this day. That's so sweet. I think she said PS still fuck you for the water bottle comments. Meredith.
Speaker 2:I will never go back on my word. Oh my gosh, that was very sweet.
Speaker 1:I know, I know. I feel like most ghost stories I've heard of recently have been that way it's been really just like people wanting to visit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like our friend that saw the medium had a similar situation with a great grandma, so I'd be so interested to speak with a medium I saw I talked to someone recently that was like, yeah, I met with the same medium. I met with her and like she didn't have anything to give me, she said, didn't have enough trauma to like go off of, which was so funny. She was like, yeah, your grandparents are there but they have nothing to say. You're boring.
Speaker 1:I thought that was so funny.
Speaker 2:That's how I feel about me.
Speaker 1:It's like I not yeah, I don't know if it's trauma, but I'm like I don't know if I'm like no unfinished business or like yeah, like I'm not questioning.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't know anything from anyone that's past.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that makes sense.
Speaker 1:I mean, maybe something would come up. I am interested. I'm like I know anyone have anything to say to me?
Speaker 2:that has passed I don't know if I want to know why you got something you're hiding. No, I just am like skeletons in the closet. I don't. I just don't know if I want any. I don't want any that I don't already know that I have.
Speaker 1:Yeah, wouldn't it suck if it goes? Came to you and was like I resent the shit, yeah, and there's nothing you can do about it?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't want that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, that would suck. Do ghosts do that? I guess that's when they would just put your ass. Yeah. Yeah, that's when haunting happens.
Speaker 2:The origin of haunting. Oh my gosh. Okay, I have one. It's very brief, but it's, it's, it's, I don't know Spooky. Okay, in middle school I went to a friend's house for a sleepover. We were telling scary stories, seeing who could outspook the other. My friend talked about the spirit that lived in their house and I thought to myself yeah, right until her mom came in later and took a Polaroid picture of us. When it developed, I saw, with my own two eyeballs, a little girl sitting in fetal position on the floor by the bed. No way. Needless to say, I did not sleep over.
Speaker 1:I asked Is that like a spook camera?
Speaker 2:Maybe. I asked if she had the Polaroid and she said it no way.
Speaker 1:I'm like I believe in ghosts, for sure, but I'm like that feels so obvious, Like that ghost yeah. I mean, maybe that ghost was really just trying to like.
Speaker 2:Take a nap.
Speaker 1:Or be like yeah, bitch, here I am.
Speaker 2:But now that I'm like, I'm like she was young, Maybe it was a spooky camera, like a trick.
Speaker 1:I know, but I'm like at a little girl's sleepover. That's the way you get all your friends to not end up spending the night.
Speaker 2:Yeah, is to play a ghost trick on them. Maybe the mom was like I'm not doing this. I said yes, so sleepover, but I'm not doing this.
Speaker 1:The mom had it planned all along. The mom said sure, honey, you can have a sleepover and I'm going to scare all your little friends until they call their mommies and their little cry baby asses, go home.
Speaker 2:Oh, my God so yeah man man, that would scare me.
Speaker 1:I like vividly remember some of the ghost stories that people would tell like when you're, do you the only one?
Speaker 2:I remember the dog? Look in the hand. No, the hook on the door of the car. Do you remember that one?
Speaker 1:I don't remember.
Speaker 2:I think it was like someone was like the papers were saying, like a man escaped from I don't know an asylum or a murderer or something, and this is all so vague and he had a hook for a hand. And these two, a boy and a girl, went to the outlook in their little car on a date and they heard a scraping on their door and then they looked and no one was there. But when they got home he dropped the girl off and when he got out of his car to go home there was a hook hanging on his door.
Speaker 1:I know that scared the shit out of me on his little yeah, mine was the one where the daughter was getting spooked at night, and so her mom bought her a dog so that whenever she got scared, she could like I don't even wanna take a break, I know, I don't wanna get, because I don't wanna scare people. I wait till it.
Speaker 1:It is Halloween after all, just fast forward like 15 seconds if you're not into scary stories. But she like is supposed to put her hand down any time that she felt scared. And then she was like the dog will look your hand and reassure you that you're good and then you can go back to sleep. And so one day she like kept hearing a drip coming from the bathroom so she was spooking her out. So she kept putting her hand on, having the dog lick her hand. And then the next morning she got up to go to the bathroom.
Speaker 1:I don't even wanna tell it, because it's so creepy, but the dog was like dead. And pinned to the ceiling and it's like pinned to the ceiling and its blood was what was dripping and it was like the little killer guy. And look at the hand I pinned to the ceiling. Maybe that's wrong, but I just remember there like the dripping noise was the dog's pull, that's like that messed up.
Speaker 2:I don't like that.
Speaker 1:Someone told me that I sleep over.
Speaker 2:I hate that and I never forgot it. Well, what are you doing to celebrate Halloween?
Speaker 1:Well, I was gonna dress up in a sister costume with you, but you ditched me, so I don't know now.
Speaker 2:I know Caroline wanted to be cat and Bianca strapped her. Bianca strapped her.
Speaker 1:I've heard 10 things I hate about you which would have been so cute. But I get it. Meredith didn't wanna be cat because she didn't wanna have to wear her cargo pants.
Speaker 2:Well, it's not just that. It's like I don't have the long hair, I don't have a wife beater, I just have the cargo pants. I'd be a really lame cat strapped her.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean her outfits are kind of like they're pretty lame.
Speaker 2:You wanted to be Bianca.
Speaker 1:She has all the best outfits. I already have a dress that looks like her.
Speaker 2:Yeah, mm-hmm, and I already have cargo pants perfect.
Speaker 1:Exactly, but I am taking SimTrigger Treating he's being Miguel from Coco and our dog's gonna be Dante.
Speaker 2:Very cute, which, if anyone hasn't met Caroline's dog, it is actually the dog from Coco Literally Dante dog from Coco.
Speaker 1:Yeah, literally, so she inspired, the fit.
Speaker 2:Cute.
Speaker 1:Yes, I was thinking, though, about like nostalgic Halloween stuff, cause I was like wanting to do stuff for Sim, and I was thinking about how we like grew up out in the middle of nowhere and we would literally go trick or treating to our grandma's house first.
Speaker 2:Yes, before. Our mom would like take us to an actual neighborhood. Remember, she'd always make caramel apples.
Speaker 1:She'd make us caramel apples, and now that I'm older I'm like caramel apples are kind of gross. I just had this conversation the other day where you like it's way too much apple, not enough caramel.
Speaker 2:Oh, I think it's just right. I love it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know. I think I need there to be like a different but hard caramel or soft caramel.
Speaker 2:Soft hard is like impossible to get into. I don't love a candy apple.
Speaker 1:They're very hard to eat. What's your favorite Halloween candy to get?
Speaker 2:Oh, that's a great question. I love a butter finger, mine is so gross. And.
Speaker 1:I feel like everyone hates on me for it. But the little packs of whoppers. And like some of them turn out to be like if you get a bad whopper.
Speaker 2:Oh gosh, a bad whopper, oh gosh. Caroline, that's the poison candy that everyone's looking out for you good.
Speaker 1:So far. I bought some whoppers from Bed Bath and Beyond a couple of months ago.
Speaker 2:Well, there's your. Yeah, that's why and my friend warned me, she- said don't buy those.
Speaker 1:Those have been there for years. And I was like, but I love a whopper and I only ever get them at Halloween and it was like July. Every single one was squishy, squishy Like cake. Every single one. No, no, like turns into like toffee, like it's stale, like it gets gooey in your mouth and, instead of being like crispy malt, it is gooey. That's disgusting.
Speaker 2:I've never had that happen to me, you're lucky Ew, no, I love. I also feel like I have a gross one too, but I can't think of what it is. Oh love a Tootsie roll.
Speaker 1:Ew, mayor, you can have all of my Tootsie rolls.
Speaker 2:Love a Tootsie roll that is weird. They're weird. As an adult they're not as good. As a kid. I loved them. They're plastic-y for sure.
Speaker 1:I was like this feels like I'm eating plastic. Some kind of turd from an animal? No, but you know what's worse than a?
Speaker 2:Tootsie roll, the flavored Tootsie rolls, ew, ew, I don't even think I've ever even tried one of those. I don't even know all of them.
Speaker 1:You also love. What's that old people candy that you and.
Speaker 2:Ben love A Werther's and the strawberries with the gummy strawberries inside.
Speaker 1:No, no, no no, the other one, the other one that you and Ben love.
Speaker 2:Cow tails. That's not an old lady candy. I love a cow tail. That is disgusting. What is a cow tail, I don't know. But one time People don't give those out at Halloween.
Speaker 1:No, but I always think one time I was really car sick in the mountains with my in-laws and I was like I just need to eat y'all, like I cannot do this ride on empty stomach. And my mother-in-law was like you want a cow tail? Like pulled one out of her purse. And I'm like Susan, why do you have a cow tail in your purse? How old is this? And that is not what I want when I'm car sick or when I'm not car sick.
Speaker 2:That is so funny. We used to always eat those on road trips to the mountains too, the family I would go with. That's so funny. Love a cow tail.
Speaker 1:What was your favorite Halloween costume that you vividly remember? Dressing up as?
Speaker 2:Oh, maybe the hippie. I dressed your American girl I went through a really strong phase of dressing up with my American girl doll for, like any for Easter and Halloween and one Halloween Mom would always buy the American girl doll outfit and then make the correspond like. She wouldn't buy the American girl talk girl clothes for me, she would like make them. So she like made me a hippie outfit that like matched the American girl, girl on.
Speaker 1:it was good. I remember that year. That was a good year.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't. I was tinkerbell that year and I was pissed.
Speaker 2:You were.
Speaker 1:Yeah, mom made me wear it. You wouldn't remember that I was tinkerbell because I didn't look like tinkerbell by the end of it, because I had to wear a stupid turtleneck.
Speaker 2:Because it was cold outside. I remember the pictures, so it's a bummer yeah.
Speaker 1:And then one year I was supposed to be my friend and I this was when I was really little. We're tigger and poo and mom homemade this amazing tigger costume and she told me that she's going to make me a springy tail, which she did. Make me a very cool springy tail out of like a slinky or spring or something. But in my head I thought I was going to be able to bounce on it and I was so disappointed the entire night.
Speaker 2:I remember that it ruined my Halloween. I'm so sad.
Speaker 1:I'm like man, we really should have tried that on like weeks before, so I could have prepared my mentally prepared.
Speaker 2:Oh, mom also made me. I think she made your tigger costume from my tiger costume. I have my favorite beanie. Baby was the tiger and she made me a matching tiger costume. And she made me a giant. She made me like a giant T wide tag on my tiger suit.
Speaker 1:Mom of the year. I know she was great.
Speaker 2:Halloween year costume that was like. That's like one of my self conscious. I'm like. One of the things I'm most self conscious about is not self conscious, but like as a mom is like I don't have the energy to homemade my kids. Halloween costume and birthday parties and birthday parties and I always thought I would have the like wherewithal and excitement to do those things, because mom always did and I now I'm realizing like wow, that she went above and beyond.
Speaker 1:She did. And birthday party she threw me a bad ass. Blues clues birthday party. Yeah, I remember that birthday party where we all got little notebooks handy, in notebooks handy any crayons and we like, went on a scavenger hunt and found blues clues.
Speaker 2:I know it was very cute.
Speaker 1:And I am like what can I order off of Amazon in a giant package? And not have to think about.
Speaker 2:I know I never thought I'd be that mom, although I did throw a pretty good birthday party for Kit, her bug birthday party.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that one was pretty good. Last year was pretty good, but anyway.
Speaker 2:so yeah, too many good Halloween costumes to count.
Speaker 1:I remember I went to grocery dating with this one friend one year. She was my friend that also dropped me on her back porch with her dog, my I need a good like nickname for her because she, her and I did a lot of childhood things together. But she we went to her treating together and she was like running and tripped up a hill and her fake eyelash and like did she make you give her one of yours. We like had to go because her fake eyelash off, she sucked.
Speaker 2:Why did you keep hanging out with her?
Speaker 1:I don't know she was. She had redeeming qualities. We like had a lot of fun together, but she also did a lot of like shady shady yeah like making me trade the taco shirt the hot dog shirt. We like had these cute little concert t-shirts that my mom once again homemade us for a concert and she got hot dog, some juice or barbecue sauce or something all over the front of hers and it trapped me in a bathroom stall at the concert.
Speaker 2:That was her move, she liked to trap.
Speaker 1:You forced me to change my shirt with her before we went back out.
Speaker 2:That was so funny. When I was in sixth grade, mom made me I was a cat and remember she like I was like what was I? I was something. And mom was like you should wear fishnets with that. And I was like really, and she like she was like all for my costume, maybe it was a flapper, I was something that like like I remember her like letting me be like a little bit sexy. I was like sixth grade and I was like, oh my gosh, I am killing this.
Speaker 1:There's nothing like throwing together a little Halloween costume. Whenever I was in like school abroad with one of my best friends, we took it upon ourselves to dress up for every single party. We had a monthly party for our school and it always had a theme. But like the themes, were not dress up.
Speaker 1:I mean the first one was. The first one was a pee party, so we dressed up as parents and her she was like the dad and I was the mom and we like got a bunch of baby dolls from the local. There was like a nursery on campus or whatever, and we like got all the baby dolls and like had seven kids with us and then every party after that. We're like we're just going to dress up for every single one, but no one else did.
Speaker 2:No one else did, so we had a.
Speaker 1:Christmas party, where her and I dressed up as like old ladies and Christmas sweaters.
Speaker 2:I love it.
Speaker 1:And we like stuffed our butts and we had canes and everything. And then for Halloween, I mean for Valentine's Day, we dressed up as cupids and we like taped diapers around ourselves and made little arrows.
Speaker 2:That's so fun. I know. When I was my year abroad, we did every Friday was dress up day and, like people, there was one girl that, just like, was self appointed, like I'm deciding what it's going to be. You can put on your votes if you'd like, and I'm going to decide you'll know. You'll find out on Wednesday night what the theme is and on Friday we all show up to class dressed up. And it was so fun.
Speaker 1:I love that I want more opportunities in my life to know, because every year Halloween rolls around and I'm just like figuring out what Sim's going to be and by the time it's my turn, I'm like I don't know. I know Like last year you were Courtney Love.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's really scary. I didn't look like I looked worse than Courtney Love if that's telling you anything. But you had a good Halloween gig for a while when you lived in Buford.
Speaker 1:You had like a great Halloween party, oh my gosh, I was like doing hair at the time and one of the clients at the salon through this. Her favorite holiday was Halloween, so she would throw this ginormous Halloween party in her historic home and each room would have like a different theme.
Speaker 2:It's amazing.
Speaker 1:She would go above and beyond. There'd be a scary movie playing in the back on like a giant projector.
Speaker 2:That's so fun.
Speaker 1:And everyone dressed up. It was like one of those parties that you go to like out of freaking hocus-pocus.
Speaker 2:That's what I was going to say. That's what, like. One of the few things I want in my adult life is a Halloween party a la hocus-pocus.
Speaker 1:Yes, like where you show up and they have champagne at the door and everyone is full on in costume, in costume. And there's like drinks and food flow and it's spooky.
Speaker 2:And then the Sanderson sisters show up and puts everyone under a spell and you just dance all night. Everyone under a spell, yeah, the best spell ever.
Speaker 1:I mean honestly for the parents what an amazing evening. I know Like they got to dance all night and didn't even have to be hung over the next day.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know.
Speaker 1:Their kids were out and really bad danger, but they didn't know, but they didn't even know they were just like on a bender. And it like wasn't their fault. The mom and the Madonna costume. I know I'm like she is fabulous, I know.
Speaker 2:I remember not when I watched that movie as a kid, I didn't know who Madonna was.
Speaker 1:Really? Yeah, I don't think I did either, but I asked that was like my first. What's up with the pointy boobs? Yeah, mom was like it's Madonna.
Speaker 2:That was like my first, like knowledge of Madonna was like hocus pocus mom.
Speaker 1:Remember when Madonna and Brittany kissed on stage and it was the end of the freaking world for like all boomers.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:They were like the end of the world is comic.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Brittany Spears kissed Madonna and it was disturbing.
Speaker 2:Number one, Jay. Was it JLo who showed their nipple? No, it was Janet Jackson. Not even her nipple. It was like a nipple tassel for a second at the Super Bowl.
Speaker 1:Right With Justin yeah.
Speaker 2:Which, speaking of Justin and Brittany, her book comes out like tomorrow. No, that's today, was it today? What's the date?
Speaker 1:I don't know, but like did you see her?
Speaker 2:books at this point, when this is coming out. When this is out, her book will have been released.
Speaker 1:I cannot wait to read it, I'm kind of nervous because I'm like, okay, who wrote this book for her? What was the process?
Speaker 2:of writing the book. Can you write me?
Speaker 1:a forward about how you got all of this information and, like I don't know it all just feels so spooky.
Speaker 2:Yes, it does. I know I do want. I'm like how long have you been working on this? I would love to have been the fly on the wall when she's like talking to her ghost writer, I know.
Speaker 1:I mean, it gives me like Evelyn Hugo, because it's?
Speaker 2:I mean not, I'm like not wanting to be insensitive, but I'm like, are you able to tell a story that's like like not coherent, but like are you? Are you like recalling things I don't know? I'm like, what is her mental state?
Speaker 1:We don't know. I mean, I don't think any of us actually know. I know, but I'm like we don't really have the right to know.
Speaker 2:I know. But also when you're putting the book. How do we?
Speaker 1:yeah, how do we like?
Speaker 2:decipher this book. I don't know. I have no idea. I mean, I'd love to trust that Justin Timberlake's Pee-Pee is tiny. I know that would be amazing. It's like you left in sync. I know.
Speaker 1:With your tiny little pee-pee and went out there and did it on your own. And now you're doing the full soundtrack. Yeah, I mean not to say that he didn't have some banger. He did.
Speaker 2:But I like he made, he did, did some didn't know this, but apparently I mean I'm like finding this out now, but apparently it was. It's been like his reputation that he's like well endowed. No way, Like through interviews and stuff, People have like insinuated I don't know, Like there's that one. We need to know the truth.
Speaker 1:Does he well endowed or is he not?
Speaker 2:I know, is it all over compensation.
Speaker 1:Also also none of our business. I know another thing. That's none of our business, but Brittany was with him. How old were they?
Speaker 2:I mean, they were like they were teenagers.
Speaker 1:He'd gone through puberty.
Speaker 2:Oh, for sure. I mean they were having sex, yeah, Anyway.
Speaker 1:I need to know the truth, but I also have no right to know the truth I know.
Speaker 2:I know, but you know, wouldn't hurt to have for him to be brought down a couple notches. No.
Speaker 1:No, I mean, I feel like he kind of already has.
Speaker 2:He's doing a troll soundtrack. Yeah, but I feel like that's like a good little retirement situation.
Speaker 1:I know I keep hating on it. It's a good song. Like work is work, it is a good song Money is money. Money is money, you got it. Money is a good song.
Speaker 2:You go in, you record a little audio. I would love to be a voice actress. It would be so fun.
Speaker 1:I know it would be.
Speaker 2:It would be very fun Like you go in the booth, you record, you watch a movie, you go home you get a check. That'd be really fun. I mean, I have no idea how it actually goes.
Speaker 1:I looked into it for a minute. I was like you did. Well, at what point? In my depression? When I lived in Houston. I was like taking surveys for money, because I was just like I need to do something and then I looked into like voice acting.
Speaker 2:How do you get into it?
Speaker 1:I don't know if I got that far. I was very scattered but I almost paid for a course.
Speaker 2:I almost paid for a lot of courses at that time in my life.
Speaker 1:No, I could not do it. I think that's what the conclusion I came to oh, you're like no. My voice is not good like for acting purposes.
Speaker 2:Interesting. There's probably more to it than we think.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it definitely.
Speaker 2:Like most things, most things. I'm like I could do that, oh man.
Speaker 1:Well, well, we went off on a tangent, but I hope that this has been a lovely Halloween for you, yeah, and that we now get to stop saying spooky season and start saying thankful season and the.
Speaker 2:I'm excited. I know I took back my words about not not getting decorations and music and movies going before oh, it's happening.
Speaker 1:I cannot wait for.
Speaker 2:Hallmark. I watched Jingle All the Way. What did I watch? Single All the Way last night? It's happening.
Speaker 1:You did not, I did it's.
Speaker 2:October. I know I loved every minute.
Speaker 1:Well, one of my friends just sent us pumpkin pie wars for our next Hallmark movie.
Speaker 2:So cannot wait for that.
Speaker 1:Can't wait. We'll be giving lots of recommendations.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:And we might, even we should, put out our rating system.
Speaker 2:Watch list.
Speaker 1:We like made a rating system and we need to put it out there, so that other people can use it.
Speaker 2:Yes, for sure Okay.
Speaker 1:All right, all right. Thanks for listening and we will see you next. Emergency emergency meeting.
Speaker 2:Okay, after we recorded our last Spooky Season episode, we realized we got like the spookiest thing to have ever happened in our lives.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Which is Judgment House.
Speaker 1:If you are a Southern Baptist, you know what Judgment House is.
Speaker 2:Or if you just like live in the South and have a friend that's a Southern Baptist.
Speaker 1:That was what we were. We weren't Southern Baptist, we just had friends that were Okay so explain to people who don't know what Judgment House is.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:What it is. So I didn't realize either that this was like something that more than one church did.
Speaker 2:Yeah, same.
Speaker 1:I thought it was just like this one church.
Speaker 2:Random little tiny church off the highway.
Speaker 1:Highway and which is when shit goes down, meredith and I were aspiring actresses, yes, and so we heard that we had a gig and we said we don't care what it is, we'll do it.
Speaker 2:We'll take it.
Speaker 1:We will take it. So, anyways, judgment House is, in lieu of a Halloween, spooky Haunted House, you go to a church where you walk through a scenario of somebody dying and you go to hell.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:And then you go to heaven, yes, and then at the end they ask you which one you want to go to in real life.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then there's a middle-aged white man who's sitting in a closet, who will ask you to, will tell you what your.
Speaker 1:What your steps are if you want to get to heaven. Go to heaven, yeah. So. And they get really into these, like it's not just like some sheets thrown up, and you know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Like the one that we were in was like pretty yeah, so there's like multiple rooms so each there's like a storyline that you follow, like guests will follow as a group. Each room will be a different scene of the story so like I was cast as a sister of the main character in like the first scene and then the next room you go to it'll be different actors but like same characters. So you're like following. They're wanting to get as many people in there as possible to meet their fate and decide what they're doing with their lives.
Speaker 1:So, and the one that we were in, yeah, you're following, like.
Speaker 2:Anyway, different actors, same character.
Speaker 1:So, yes, and you're walking through some of these death. Yes, so in the one that we were in, a guy I think got in a drunk driving accident. Yes, a teenager. So Meredith was the sister to the drunk driver.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So I was an angel. I think I was in like second grade, third grade. I was an angel and it was just like me and my friend and we were the only angels in heaven and we sat at the feet of Jesus, who was like a middle-aged man that went to the church. I think he was like a basketball coach for the church basketball team or something.
Speaker 2:Real small church and so Slumpickans as to why they had to get random-ass kids me and Caroline.
Speaker 1:Who did not go to that church, to be part of the play. So we're heaven was like this big room. There were some. I said that it wasn't just sheets thrown up, but that room was like lots of white sheets thrown up and lots of like candles, battery operated candles, jesus in a white robe, angels in like a little white.
Speaker 1:There was a stage. He was on a stage and we were like at his feet and there was like a pathway to Jesus. And before we're waiting on the next group of people to come into our room, my friend across from me think, just think it's just me and this girl who's like a year younger than me or something, and Jesus aka the basketball coach, and my friend lets out like rips, one that like reeks of eggs, and so she's two and at the feet of Jesus and we're in the third grade, so we can't get our shit together. We're just like dying, like rolling, laughing. Jesus is like giving us the death. Stare to like cut it out because people are like walking in the room and we laughed, slash, gagged through an entire scene of people trying to like see this boy come and meet Jesus and it just smelled like eggs. That is so good.
Speaker 1:But then you went through it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh yeah, I went through it. I don't know. I guess I was. They gave me a break or something but I went through it Child actor, spouse. They ask a series of questions at the end that, in your eyes, are closed and it's all about like whether or not you know Jesus, and I raised my hand because I didn't know what was going on and I guess I missed her a question.
Speaker 1:And I went in the room with the breeze.
Speaker 2:Yes, last thing I know. Next thing I know I'm in a closet, like I said, with a millage man and he's asking me do you know, jesus Christ? Wait is not safe. Sanctuary, no, not safe sanctuary. If anyone has ever been in a youth group past 2002, safe sanctuary is very important and this was pre-2002.
Speaker 1:It was put in place to protect priests being alone in a room with children.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, so anyway, I'm at, so you go from the start. Contrast of like you're in heaven with two little angels and Jesus.
Speaker 1:And then you're in like a fricking mid-century or like 80s closet with a guy and you're like, wait, is this?
Speaker 2:hell. Yeah, yeah, it's like wait a minute. So I he's asking me questions and I'm like wait, yes, I know Jesus, and he's like he literally goes oh, you're good, you can go.
Speaker 1:Thank God, it could have gone another way.
Speaker 2:Oh I know, but I was as a middle schooler. I was like what, I think. Even at that time I was like wait, what are we doing here? What other way could have? What would have happened if I said I didn't know Jesus Like what?
Speaker 1:would. He would have read you a list of questions and then made you copy what he was saying and then been like all right, you're going to heaven. At the end of the day he's like all right, you can go. And then he tally, does it tally on his notebook and is like, well, we saved another one. Yeah, I think that was it We've done our job. How is it? Judgment house saved, but who knows how many people it's scared into heaven or hell.
Speaker 2:No one wanted to go to hell. That hell was scary. So anyway, speaking of judgment house, the reason we had an emergency meeting is because we had a real life conversation with someone who reminded us of judgment house?
Speaker 1:Who?
Speaker 2:reminded us of judgment house and her experience. She grew up in a fundamentalist Baptist church which is like, if you know anything about the Baptist church, it's the most I don't know like there's Baptist and there's Southern Baptist and then there's fundamental Baptist.
Speaker 1:And fundamental. I think they're like the one doesn't that mean that? They, they're the most extreme and they believe like every single word Of the Bible to be like true in this day and age, or something which I don't know, where stoning comes in oh. Or like.
Speaker 2:I don't know that I could be wrong once again, ignorance.
Speaker 1:I have no idea. I think I think prior to this episode.
Speaker 2:But this story will clue us in. So she was telling us about her just judgment house experience and she Was saying that the first year she did it, the death, the cause. There's always a cause of death. It's always the same scenario. It's like this cause of death it's always teens, it's always teens cause of death.
Speaker 1:Well, I don't know, because you go to heaven.
Speaker 2:But she was saying, the one year was like so Choked on a hamburger, and that was the cause of death, and then the next year.
Speaker 1:I think what must have happened is that it like went so well.
Speaker 2:They're like we gotta up. We gotta up the ante.
Speaker 1:Yes, we need to like make it bigger, better, as big churches do. They're like bring out the smoke machines, baby yeah, so. And then the heaters in this and the heaters in this case. So then they had a trifecta death. Yeah where it was like you could shoot, was it? You went through all.
Speaker 2:I don't think it Was choose your scenario.
Speaker 1:I think it was like everyone experienced three different how traumatic that is so much scarier than a haunted house.
Speaker 2:Oh, so why three? Tell us what they were. So the first one was a gang shooting, a drive-by shooting. The second one, God was what was the second one?
Speaker 1:the second one was a.
Speaker 2:School shooting school, a Columbine shooting where, like people, were literally running like. The guests were running.
Speaker 1:That's what she said. Like everyone had to like escape the school shooting. I hate what is wrong with these people, like who would do this to somebody I don't know.
Speaker 2:And it feels like making a light? I don't yeah, it's problematic on many levels.
Speaker 1:But then the last one, which is just as problematic as the rest there you're all sitting in an airplane and it was 9-11, so you're like having to choose on this Hell heaven or yeah, so then you die and you go to hell.
Speaker 2:And then she was saying, and hurt the hell, she was a hellion because they weren't allowed to be demons. Which, what is the difference? Nothing, and they had the heat cranked up so high that the bottom of her converse shoot sneakers melted, melted and she said she was strategically bringing starbursts in her pocket so they'd be melty and gooey.
Speaker 1:She also said that she had making the most of the situation. Also said that she had to scream at people that were in there like you still have a chance.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you still have a chance as an actor being really envious of the people that got to be in hell, because it felt like the most real acting experience the most, the doing the most and the most I got out of my experience was a really crappy boyfriend. My brother, my cast brother, became my boyfriend.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, was he the guy that died.
Speaker 2:No, well, his character was that's when I not get to act the part because he, we were just in the first scene. That was.
Speaker 1:Shoot sorry. Yeah, yeah and I didn't realize y'all met in a house other.
Speaker 2:Boyfriend for a minute, we can we'll come back to that because that was a weird ass boyfriend for a minute.
Speaker 1:Yeah, judgment at a judge. And house.
Speaker 2:You can only imagine it did not. It was weird, as weird as it began.
Speaker 1:Yep, man man, but anyway anyway judgment house, are they still doing it?
Speaker 2:That's a great question. Oh, look them up. Do you have your phone?
Speaker 1:I don't. Are there any in the area?
Speaker 2:tomorrow's Halloween.
Speaker 1:I mean walkers on it.
Speaker 2:They can't still be a thing.
Speaker 1:I feel like people would like Call people out now. Yeah, this was back in the day.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and like worse than haunted houses and that like People believed that that was real. So they're like we're gonna scare the shit out of you, for real.
Speaker 1:That's. What I mean is that this is like Really traumatic and way scarier than a haunted house, because you're literally like oh, you want to be scared on Halloween? Try. You want to go to hell?
Speaker 2:Make your choice judgment house comm is a thing and rock hill.
Speaker 1:Man, I wish we could have gone is it wow, we take our kids to judgment house. We missed it, we just missed it.
Speaker 2:It's a bummer man. I would love to go to one today.
Speaker 1:I know we shouldn't schedule that for next year.
Speaker 2:We should all right, what it's like well, well, I'm so glad we need to call an emergency meeting me. He do it that it really is the spookiest thing I've ever experienced in the vault of my childhood. Yeah, I like totally forgot it.
Speaker 1:It was a big moment.
Speaker 2:I mean we did.
Speaker 1:It was like an it was like one of our first Night of the week situation like we went every night of the week. Not to our church, totally, totally different church. Our mom was just like Sure show biz baby.
Speaker 2:Our mom also was like church Sure, no show biz.
Speaker 1:Yes, honestly, most parents are like church, sure yeah but you know you get the double.
Speaker 2:When it's church and show biz, you say yes, can't go wrong.
Speaker 1:I had to be a janitor in a church play in high school and my boyfriend came to see it. I was in the ninth grade, Mm-hmm and I was so embarrassed because I was, like, dressed so ugly. Mm-hmm then I almost threw up.
Speaker 2:No beforehand. Oh my gosh, I know you almost threw up.
Speaker 1:I was like having a panic attack that he was gonna see me with this stuffed overall suit and I Don't think I had a beard, I think I Don't remember even what the play was about.
Speaker 2:Why are you a janitor?
Speaker 1:I could not tell you what the play was about our church has some good plays.
Speaker 2:Growing up it did. Man wow Right.
Speaker 1:Wow, show biz babe. Okay, also since be good Walker just reminded us we had a full-on conversation Before recording about, yes, our thoughts, we just, we were just with us five minutes ago talking about Justin Timberlake's pee, pee, and it's been a week since we recorded that and we're just adding this on. Yeah, so we have additional thoughts. We thought we would add. What were they other than that?
Speaker 2:It would suck to be Justin Timberlake right now, because you're just living your life raking in the royalties, got this new gig within sync. You're like you're married, you have kids and then your ex. From 20 years ago, if maybe more. How many years ago that was that your ex from so long ago writes a book about you and suddenly you're like thrust back in the spotlight in the worst way.
Speaker 1:I know that would suck. It would suck. I mean, there are some definite problematic things happening.
Speaker 2:We went on what side?
Speaker 1:both. Yes both like she's talking about like traumatic experiences. Dating him and it was doesn't sound like it was fun for her and not a lot of, like I think, issues.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. That's very true.
Speaker 1:So like I get it, it's a part of her story. Yes, but like can you?
Speaker 2:imagine being Justin right pee, pee and the. He's like in the beatboxing. Like you guys, I'm so embarrassed about all of this Kids.
Speaker 1:I got old, yeah, but anyway anyway, those were updated thoughts that you know there's, there's two sides of feelings to all stories.
Speaker 2:Yep, Yep they're sure are All right well well, see you next Tuesday.
Speaker 1:Happy Halloween.