Sister Sh*t

Gym Culture

Caroline Smith and Meredith Walker Season 1 Episode 12

Hi everyone! This week on Sister Sh*t we've got an update on the giant water bottle saga and a few minutes on the Ashton Kutcher-Mila Kunis inheritance situation after doing a little research. We dive into these topics and then share our first-hand experiences with different gym environments. From the intimidating masculinity prevalent in some gyms to the more relaxed atmosphere of others, we open up about our encounters. We also share a story about an awkward incident I had at the gym that illustrates the challenges women often face in these spaces.

Finally, we close out the episode with a frank discussion about work-life balance, turning the focus on the integration of fitness into our everyday lives. We reflect on overcoming workout reservations and the rewarding feeling of seeing results. But it's not all roses - we also touch on the pressures of gym culture and the importance of finding the right environment to reach fitness goals. Join us for this lively chat, as we share our insights and experiences on these diverse topics.

Speaker 1:

It takes a walk, a nice low-key walk, where you enjoy your surroundings and you're not focused on the calories burned. Oh also, update, guess who got a giant ass water bottle? Me, caroline, came home from Charleston with a giant ass water bottle. So for all the people who thought we were making fun of you, no, okay, okay. Let me be clear though it is not a freaking gallon water bottle, it is just one with a handle, and I got it at five below, so it was $5.55. How many eggs?

Speaker 2:

is this.

Speaker 1:

It's like as big as a Stanley cup with the handle and the straw. It's like the same exact size, but it's from five below. So you're hanging your hat on the savings. I'm hanging my hat on the savings and the fact that, like I mean I will say it's heavy as shit with water and ice in it, like I don't enjoy picking it up to drink out of it. So like I'm learning, my lesson.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to rub it in.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm telling you, you're right, I need a smaller water bottle. I had multiple people be like it makes me drink more water, which I don't doubt, because you need to make it lighter.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's so hard to do what's right, because it's like, because you get the bigger water bottle. And then I'm, now that I have this giant water bottle with a straw, I'm seeing all this content being like, don't drink out of a straw, you're gonna get lip wrinkles, and I'm like, well fuck, what am I supposed to do? You just drink out of a cup. You go to your refrigerator, you use a little lever, put it in the dishwasher. Okay, back to basics, baby.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Happy Tuesday. Happy Tuesday, welcome to Sister Shit. I'm Meredith, I'm Caroline and yeah, thanks for being here, thanks for being here. How's it going? How was your week? Pretty good, um, yeah, I don't know, just truckin' along.

Speaker 2:

Truckin' along.

Speaker 1:

This week is, or this month has been, like what's happening. I feel like the whole month. But here we are. Almost in spooky season. Almost in spooky season which we've got very exciting spooky season things coming. Yes, we do. So stay tuned. I don't know when we're we have no plan of when we're releasing it. Releasing it the news. But we've got some fun things coming for spooky season, so buckle up. Okay, I've done some research, because last time I'm just getting right into it If you were aware of that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, get right into it.

Speaker 1:

Last time I started a conversation and I realized I did not know anything about it, which is probably not a good place to be when you're starting a conversation which is also the theme of our part. Yes, which is actually what we're doing, on the grand scheme of things, every week. It is getting into things before we know enough about this and, being too lazy to look into anything else, we just hash it all out. No facts, no facts. So fact check everything. We say Yep or don't, or don't.

Speaker 2:

It's a great way to live, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but I've done some research. By research, I mean, I skimmed a single article about Mila and Ashton. Okay, lay it on me. And apparently this is very old news, because they talked about not giving their children an inheritance. Like previously, and for whatever reason, it's resurfaced on Twitter.

Speaker 2:

But the resurfacing Like previously? How long ago?

Speaker 1:

I think a couple like a year ago Maybe I have no idea, but the resurfacing was probably even like a month ago, so this is really old news. Okay, well, I didn't know about any of it. Great, so tell me about it. Also, how many children did Mila and Ashton have Two, okay.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, do we know?

Speaker 1:

anything about them. I don't know. Don't know how old they are, okay, don't know anything. But Mila and Ashton have publicly said that they will not be giving either of their children an inheritance. Because it's speculated that it's like kind of in response to the Nepo baby situation. Okay, but they don't want their like. Ashton has said that I like they already live a really privileged life that they don't know about, like they don't know how privileged they are and they never will, because it's the only life they get to live and we want them to, like, learn the value of hard work. But then the catch is that so they're not giving the big, they're not getting trust funds, okay, but if one of their kids, he said, comes to him with a business idea, he would invest. So basically they just I mean, basically they're gonna get money.

Speaker 1:

They just don't have a trust fund set up, and they said they, this makes it a lot. I feel way better about this plan. Yeah, I mean, it's the last time we talked you were like they're not giving them any money and I was like why I can't imagine having so much money and not giving my child anything find? Net worth I can't imagine is like almost 300 million.

Speaker 1:

And I need to fact check that, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was, because I thought there was a decimal point. I thought it was like 27.2. And then I would read again, because he alone has is worth like over 150 years. Am I wrong? That feels like a lot of money. He's a business guy though. Yeah, I mean, they're involved in so many things, it's so many.

Speaker 2:

Just like you know it's not just like royalties from, it's not just friends with benefits.

Speaker 1:

Is that even the right movie? We? Get well no because Ashton's in one of them and he lives in the other. It's not just bring friends with bill benefits slash, no strings attached.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's other ventures, only income so yes, or that 70 show.

Speaker 1:

They own a lot of. He owns acorns, I think. I don't like investing. Anyway. So they said they plan to donate a lot of their money. So I don't know, I'm like I have, I'm like this sounds cool, sounds great. I Feel much better about that yeah, because. I think it's responsible parents thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's like we're not just handing over all the money right, but we also are going to support you. I'm gonna come up with the business idea and get millions of dollars.

Speaker 2:

So like it's I mean cuz, I mean Cuz. Then they have their own money.

Speaker 1:

I what the business idea is. It could be like I want to be a Marine biologist. Please pay for me to go to the best college that there is, and they will.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean they'll.

Speaker 1:

I think they'll probably pay for college. They just don't have a try. I think the only thing they've said they're not doing is a trust fund which like so they're gonna like because have you met a trust fund baby?

Speaker 2:

that you trust I.

Speaker 1:

Haven't. I Haven't really met any trust fund babies, but I actually did meet one in college. It was very trustworthy and very like and very kind who. It was a small trust fund but it was, I think he. You know he came from some like respectable money and they had enough for like a down payment on a house. Like it was like a, a humble trust, enough to get your life started. I am offer that yeah, I would have loved Same we yep Yep. I need to coming from a not trust fund child.

Speaker 2:

I would give me a humble trust fund.

Speaker 1:

Right now is it too late. Yeah, anyway, that's the sitch. Are there any other celebrities that are?

Speaker 2:

like I'm not doing this and more research.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I said, got it, I'll tell Caroline.

Speaker 2:

today I'll tell Caroline in two hours. Yeah, yep.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, I agree with this. Okay, the first time you said it I was like what is?

Speaker 2:

wrong with them.

Speaker 1:

They're so rich they're not gonna give their kids any money. I know context is everything. Context is everything. This is a lesson to us, till us and to the rest of America. Yeah do your research, even if it's just the slightest bit of research, like one article is worth. I don't know if we should be telling people to do that, because we're not gonna be doing that here, no, but if you really need to know something that you're gonna publicly make a little on.

Speaker 2:

Do some research, yeah, a little Google.

Speaker 1:

Yep, little Google goes a long way, okay, well. Well, what are we getting into? Jim culture, jim culture I don't.

Speaker 1:

I know I have a little bit I know the stories will start and keep going because I, I don't know, I Hate Jim culture. I will say I Recently joined an orange theory, about a year ago yes, it had been a minute, a long time, like since I had children, that I was like, since it's been since I had kids, that I was involved in any kind of Jim culture. And it was a shock, because you walk it like it's you like, realize you? What am I trying to say? I think that was the first time that I like went to like, went somewhere to work out and was like, oh yeah, this is a whole thing. And I forgot about it because when I was in it the first time, I was like this is just how it is when you work out and this is the gym. But like going to the gym, the orange theory, I was like, oh yeah, it's like the music, mm-hmm and the energy.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, so coachers signed up for orange theory. I said, great, I need to work out, let me sign up yeah orange theory, signed up immediately, had never gone to a class. Yeah that was not a that was shocking. I don't. I that was. I don't know what was going on. Do your research. I showed up to the class. I worked out this little e-boy, like I love him.

Speaker 2:

I know he was great, but he like was the instructor.

Speaker 1:

He was trying to talk me.

Speaker 1:

Talked to me after class and I was like turning green, I was like about to throw up and he wouldn't stop talking and I Eventually just left mid conversation, didn't say a word, went to the bathroom, put my head in between my knees, just taught myself from either puking or passing out. I have had to sit out of or exit a like Gym class at least twice in my life. That was my first. Okay, no, no, no, that was my second. My first one was a zoom book class back in 2011.

Speaker 2:

What I ate Fuji.

Speaker 1:

Oh oh, caroline, that is the Japanese place that my boyfriend, for a minute, threw up shrimp. Yeah so so I ate a shrimp bowl and then went to go do zoom book class. I Almost died. I almost I think the moral of the story is here is you have to be completely motionless for at least two hours after eating it. Shrimp teriyaki yes, do not spark any type of romance romance physical activity.

Speaker 1:

Don't do any of that after a shrimp bowl, just lateral on the couch. So I Anyways I got, I stepped out of the orange theory class and then tried to cancel. They would not allow me to cancel. She literally said, I'm not gonna. Well, not, you didn't try to cancel right after that first class.

Speaker 2:

Oh, pretty soon after yeah, this ain't for me. Yeah, you did.

Speaker 1:

So I tried to like cancel my membership and the girl literally said to me oh girlie, I'm gonna let you cancel. Yeah, wouldn't let me cancel. And like got really chummy with me to where I like couldn't be, like no, I need to cancel. Yeah so then I had to pay $15 a month for three months.

Speaker 2:

Yes, she was like hold yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then I went back into cancel and they were like, oh, the manager has to be here, I took about like three times. Finally, the thing is they have no, they have no contract. But I think because they have no contract, they push the chum like Even harder because they're like we don't have a contract, but you better not let people leave which is either, Must be their train.

Speaker 1:

It's fine but I am someone that gets walked all over very easily to the point that I was. I asked my boss and Jay, like I said, will one of you guys go into the orange theory and pretend as I'm in the hospital and Can you sell my account for me?

Speaker 2:

Would you have done that?

Speaker 1:

No, because I'm not, I don't, I'm not pro-lying. Uh-huh but I I did not want to have to do it my confrontation bad yeah I almost Permitted them lying. Yeah and then, finally, I got some courage. I went in there. I said, listen bro, because that's what they say in the gym. He said, listen bro, I don't have a car anymore.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I can't get to this gym. He said, well, yeah, I guess that would be a problem. And then he just let me. Yeah which that wasn't a lie. I didn't have a car.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a. I mean I, I don't really go to the six am Classes, any there, any there anymore, because it is like six am Up in the club, like it is like.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Running Well and I should say, I started going to yoga, which is why, I canceled my orange theory class. Yeah, that's okay, but I'm saying, like yoga is a different vibe, I go to six am. Yoga like two to three times a week and You're easing yourself into the day. Yes you like it to do a little stretchy stretch. You say good morning to everyone. Everyone's feeling calm. There's no music if there is music, it's like playing calmly in the background. Yeah, yeah there's no like Nicki Minaj playing at six oh four.

Speaker 1:

It's intense and the thing is, all the people that work there have been there since like 4 am. Yeah, it's wild. So when I first started going to the, I didn't work out.

Speaker 1:

I Literally had not run a single mile in my life Until I joined dance team freshman year and I we had to do it of college, yes, and I waited run a mile every practice pretty much, and I what and like we had to like work out all the time and it was like the first. It was literally the first time I had like stepped foot into a gym, because I'd only ever just like danced. And I ran like a single mile when I took PE as a senior, yeah, yeah, and it was like a 12-minute mile. I was like the second to last three minutes a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was not good. So anyway, then I graduate high, then I anyway. This is all. This is boring. No one really wants to know about my gym, I think, I think the best thing to like grasp all of or like to like capture All of this is to say that, like our family, I Love. I love our family. Yeah we have been taught from the beginning of time that if? Anyone does any sort of extra curricular exercise at all. They are health like extra healthy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Health nut. They're health nut. You went on a walk after dinner. You must really like to work out Taking care of yourself. Like we were not raised in a home. That was like we have never, ever gone on a family walk. Oh my gosh, that feels uncomfortable.

Speaker 1:

We're just talking about it, whereas, like with my husband's family, like we after every I think literally everything's giving. I've spent with them every holiday. I've spent with them. We like eat a giant meal and then everyone's like oh, I'm so full, I'm uncomfortable, yeah, let's go on a walk and what do we do? Our family's like let's take a nap and then let's eat more, and then we're so full and let's eat more and let's just Keep eating until we're all miserable and drinking and drinking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah like I love our family for that, you know but yeah, that's, that's where that's coming Like we just never understood that like regular exercise isn't Isn't healthy, it's just normal. I mean, it is healthy and normal yeah. I know and I you know what. It's funny, though. I have a friend who she's from Florida and she married a guy from South Carolina and she's like it's South Carolina people, they don't do anything. And you know what?

Speaker 2:

I couldn't even argue with her, because I can't think South Carolina people, we don't do anything. We don't have mountains to climb.

Speaker 1:

No, we don't.

Speaker 2:

We have the coast but you're on a boat. You're sitting on a boat drinking a beer. What do you?

Speaker 1:

do on a boat. You drink fried chicken, you drink beer, I know, but yeah, so if you're swimming, you're not really swimming, you're floating. But it on a float, apparently in Florida, though. They stay busy, they stay doing things, they're active, and so she comes. She's like lives in South Carolina now Her husband is from here, and she's like.

Speaker 2:

South Carolina, people eat in lounge. That's what we do, that's what we do.

Speaker 1:

Wait, yep. So anyway, I don't think our family is alone. I think it's. I don't know it's, but I've never thought about that, but I think about it all the time, I know I know. So yeah anyway, but yeah. So when I graduated from college, I started going to the gym because I was working a nine-five job. And and then what do you do? When you work a nine-to-five, you go to the gym. I just like I was leaning in to the like.

Speaker 1:

I mean professional, young professional yeah as as one does, yep, and I went to golds, and it was golds, the Mecca of Jim.

Speaker 2:

Problematic Jim culture I visit.

Speaker 1:

Does it golds exist anymore? Did it get all bought out by move?

Speaker 1:

I think it got out new Because it has the two dots me of so yeah, but I was not even just hit on, but like uncomfortably talked to so many times at that gym while I was working out like I had a guy one time Tell me that I was like wiping my seat after I did a workout and he was like, oh, you don't need to do that, I want to sit on your sweat. Yeah, yep, yep. He was like my stinky butt.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, he was a weirdo. He would walk barefoot around the track and do like the way he's like the guy that Jen, the people take videos of, that would like. He was always there. He was always misusing the equipment like doing weird. He did solely pull-ups, he would only do pull-ups and he was like this tiny, like maybe Italian guy, and and yeah, and another time I had a guy Like tell me who's an artist and a photographer, and yada, yada, yada, and then you show me the pictures he took of people and they were like they were naked scandalous women.

Speaker 1:

He's like are you interested? Yeah, yes, yes, he was like trying to Like fully which like how do you get clients as a male?

Speaker 2:

I think our artists.

Speaker 1:

I think I.

Speaker 2:

Don't know. Let me go to the gym.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think so. I hate it, I hated it. So and then, whenever, if I was ever on the in the weight area, it was just like the most disgusting energy, like all the guys like grunting and throwing the way you and like, can I? Take those 15s right there and they're like. They're like the competition between men of who can like lift the biggest weight is the most disgusting thing to me. Yeah, it's pretty gross it is so gross, I do not care and what I'm not paying attention.

Speaker 1:

No one when there's no setting where you will need to lift a 75 pound Anything with one hand, so like don't what, except when you're at the gym trying to prove how Matt Macho you are. Yeah. I hate it. I know it's pretty gross. When Keith started going to yoga recently and I was like I it true, it Triggered in me a new thing that I'm into and I'm just I think this is the dichotomy we're talking about it.

Speaker 1:

It's like you either want the Macho or you want like a man who's really in touch with his yoga body and he's slent like he looks good because he's been doing yoga.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sorry, yoga. This is probably very embarrassing.

Speaker 1:

He's doing yoga with you. He comes with me at 6 am. Yeah, he sure does. Yep, he's doing great, but I'm in he does keep today. I don't know if I'm into that part. He wasn't. I wasn't there this morning, but he told me about the splits class. But I'm just saying the Macho thing at the gym is such a turnoff for me, like I think it's gross. So I joined a planet fitness for like two seconds whenever I was like I'm trying to get tan and fit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, plan it, that's I could not yet.

Speaker 1:

Plan it fit and they have the free massage chairs, yeah, ew, and like sweaty people sit in it like why do people go to those?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So so I had only gone a couple of times. I walk in the guy at the front desk which also the fact that it's 24, seven, yeah who is working out at 3 AM, because it's like I mean a doctor. Maybe that was the like argument that someone gave me one time I was like doctor's and nurses and I'm like, okay, it just feels excessive to keep your business open 24 hours a day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so it does. I don't remember what time it was that I went, but I went in one time. I was like doing the stair climber. I love the stair climber.

Speaker 2:

I love the stair climber. It can't be doing anything, really it does.

Speaker 1:

It's good for your ass. That's why I was doing it. But this guy came up to me and I had a headphones on so I couldn't hear him, so he was just standing behind me. And then I like finally look and I'm like hey, and he's like hey. I don't remember what he said, but he was really hitting on me and I hadn't been hit on in a while. It'd been a minute. Like the last person that hit on me before that was like a guy in a Walmart craft section with a Gollum baby.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, what does that mean? Just picture Gollum as a baby, which probably means there was some like something bad happening when the baby was being made. Oh gosh, anyways, the guy hit on me and his line was hey, what's your name? And I was like Caroline, which I don't know why. I gave him my name and then he said I know what I'm asking Santa for for Christmas.

Speaker 2:

It was July, Cause I remember we he does that all year round.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's all year round, but anyways that gives context for the last time I'd been hit on, so I was excited I was getting hit on at the gym. I was not into it but I was like at least I'm getting hit on I like couldn't wait to get home to tell Jay Cause I wanted to be like listen, babe, I'm still hot, okay, but his line like he wouldn't leave me alone.

Speaker 2:

Oh no.

Speaker 1:

He was like I told him I was married and he was like well, how old are you? And I was like I think at the time I was like 23 or 24. And he was like, well, that's too young to be married and I wanted to be like fuck off dude. How old was he? I didn't ask At that point, I was trying to get away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I genuinely think I canceled my membership after that, Like I was like I don't think this is what I meant.

Speaker 2:

I signed up for it yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what ultimately made me pull the plug at Gems. I think Gems.

Speaker 2:

Like I think that the best.

Speaker 1:

Thing to do is to go to a good, old fashioned YMCA. Yeah, loved the Y Work out with your first grade teacher next to you on the treadmill I would do an inclined walk.

Speaker 1:

Before COVID I was going so regularly I was taking all the classes. They have a pool, they have a kids area that I would like take my kids to the little daycare and then I would take them to the kids area when I was done working out. It was great. And then COVID happened and never went back, so and now my kids are too old for me to even need childcare, so like out of gym. But anyway, yeah, you're right, the Y, the Y is where you go. Sponsor us, yeah, but really, if you want to like be hit on by an 80 year old instead of a 20, year old, go to the Y, I can handle that.

Speaker 1:

Me too. I'm like oh, you're like my grandpa. Yeah, I'm in the age now, I think, where no one's hitting on me. I'm too old to be hit on by young people, and I'm too young to be hit on by old people.

Speaker 2:

It's a great place to be. I'm really enjoying it, I'm saying hit on me as if someone's hit on me. I haven't been hit on Probably since that gym experience. It's been a long time.

Speaker 1:

It's been a long time and that was like before Sim, so at least six years ago, fourish to six years ago, yeah, which I'm like totally happy about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have not been fearful of my life.

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh, not really we need to believe I did the one time that guy that was trying to take pictures of me. He left the gym the same time and I legit thought he's about to follow me home. I like. I mean, I don't think he was, but the thing about gyms, I got it. I feel like you've been eating that cookie for this entire podcast. How big was that cookie, I don't know, but I barely have any tea left to dip it in. Ew gross. Have you never done that?

Speaker 2:

And tea.

Speaker 1:

Any kind of cookie. Any kind of cookie, okay, I don't know. Sleepy time? Oh, you give me sleepy time tea. Yeah, it doesn't put you to sleep, it's just not caffeinated. Okay, to round this out, the thing about gyms is that they bring communities. Oh, my gosh, caroline. I'm just saying I know a lot of people that have gotten involved in a gym and have been very happy. Lots of people meet their partners there, and I think the main problem when it comes to gym culture is the type of gym.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's like the planet fitnesses the golds.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But I would even say, planet fitness is like pretty mild right.

Speaker 2:

It is Anyone and everyone it is.

Speaker 1:

The main thing is like are you taking classes together, which I guess that takes orange theory out of it, Because I was about to say what are the things that make a gym a safe gym?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because I think like taking classes together, because then everyone feels on the same level of like we're all being told what to do. We're not just like trying to show off yes, it's the free for all gyms. That, like that, feel intimidating maybe not to everyone, but to a non-athletic person it can feel really intimidating.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're like going to just like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Well then, even if you are, Backtrack to what. I'm saying what.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying I've never felt intimidated. No, it's very lovely, it's always, always a good time. But no, I feel like even at the gyms, like at when I was going, when I was a little gym rat and I was going all the time like I was fit and I knew what I was doing and because and I felt like the old, like I felt like you kind of had, if you wanted to be like taken seriously at the gym, you had to be like a gym person.

Speaker 1:

Like we're in the headphones and the spandex shorts and you're like lifting the biggest weights and you're drinking the thing like the powder and it like it like there was, and if you weren't doing those things, it was like you want like actual serious people all the time guys all the time coming in, like correcting me, Like not even in, not even in a flirty way.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it was, I don't know, but it was like you know, if you hold it at the top for a second it'll get a better burn, and I'm like I don't do. I look like I need help. I'm not using my weights like fricking pull up guy over there or backwards walker on the track. He needs some pointers. Why don't you go give him some pointers?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The amount of like corrections and like intimidating. Like comments has totally I don't think I would ever step foot in a gym again. Truly Like I think I will stick to what I've got going, because I don't, I don't know. It just is like not, they like claim it to be welcoming, but it just feels like. I don't know that all of them do, though I think some of them really thrive on the fact that they're exclusive. People pushing tires over in the parking lot, like what's that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, though, because I think I was going to say that, like the, CrossFit community are like some of the tightest community like those are some of the tightest gym communities.

Speaker 1:

You're right, so like maybe pushing that tire is like team building. Yeah, I think you're right. I think you're right. I just think it's all so funny. It's like you're never, you don't need these skills. I know, I don't know if it's about the skills or if it's about getting muscle. I mean, yeah, it definitely is, but it's just like. It's just so funny to me. Like all the workouts are like these extreme workouts. It's like just like lift a couple of weights going on a little jog.

Speaker 1:

Well so back to the blue zone documentary that I've been obsessed with. Yeah, these centenarians are living over a hundred years old and none of them are doing.

Speaker 2:

Where are they?

Speaker 1:

They're in five blue zones. There's five centenarians. Yeah, it's people that live to be a hundred years old. Oh, I've never heard that term. Okay, so they none of them are doing CrossFit. None of them are doing any of these things, they are literally gardening or like sitting on the ground to eat their meals, and a lot of them are just doing some kind of in kind walking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Like.

Speaker 1:

I mean, all of them have some kind of exercise in their lifestyle, and that is an important factor. But it is not like I'm going to go do my exercise Right, it is integrated into their lives. That's interesting and that is what is like causing people to just be healthy.

Speaker 2:

It's not like over-exerting. You're like.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

That has been something that's been really interesting to me of like these people that are considered the healthiest people on earth are either just living in, like really highly elevated villages, where they walk uphill every day to go to church.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Or they are gardening, or they sit on the floor for meals. So they're standing up several times like sitting down, standing up several times every single day for their entire lives.

Speaker 2:

Interesting, like it's very simple movements.

Speaker 1:

And there's one in Loma Linda, California, where they're like in a oh gosh, it's some kind of religious community, but I can't remember what kind, I can't remember. But they like all do like pool pilates. So it's like really low-key on their joints.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And they just like do some pool pilates together and pickleball and like, yeah, it's more about the community and the like little things together than it is about like the hardest workout and burning all the calories.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, I think that's what it is that I'm like, I'm not interested.

Speaker 2:

I'm not into it.

Speaker 1:

I mean I, I guess I am cause I'm doing that, but I don't love it. I love the results. I know the culture is just funky. It's like yeah, anyway, well, anyway, I hope that everyone goes and this was fun. This was fun, All right. See you next Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

See you next Tuesday.