Sister Sh*t

Indoor Water Parks

Caroline Smith and Meredith Walker Season 1 Episode 29

When old church friend and artist Laurel dropped by, our dinner conversation took a splashy turn, meandering from the Valentine's week excitement to the unexpected charm of an indoor water park resort. Swapping stories about our plans and the allure of the new "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" series, Laurel's tale of her family's waterlogged adventure had us hooked. It's not every day you hear about someone's change of heart from skepticism to joy in such a setting, and we just had to share the waves of wonder and bewilderment it brought us.

Picture us, a bunch of grown-ups, wading through the sensory overload of a gigantic indoor water park—where the air is thick with chlorinated mists and kids' joyous shrieks. I confess my own trepidation about barefoot wanderings, while we also chew over the unexpectedly tasty and tech-friendly dining options on-site. And don't get me started on the magical gaming quest for the older kids; it's something straight out of a fantasy novel, unfolding just beyond the hotel room doors.

We wrap up our chat with a reflective look at how personal tastes can deeply tint our experiences in bustling spaces. While the cacophony of family fun zones might not be everyone's cup of tea, we find that sometimes happiness sneaks up in the most crowded of places. So, we're curious about your take! Do you find solace in the splash or peace in the quiet? Share your stories with us, and let's continue the dialogue on the surprises life throws our way. Catch our next episode for another round of lively banter and unexpected revelations.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Welcome to Sister's Shirt. I'm Caroline.

Speaker 2:

I'm Meredith, we and we have a guest tonight that we're super excited to introduce. Her name is Laurel and she is here to to teach us things. So everyone meet Laurel.

Speaker 2:

Hi Laurel and Caroline and I go way back. We used to go to church together. Laurel is also an artist. She also lives in Columbia, so we were getting dinner a couple weeks ago and she started telling me about this family experience and I was like I'm going to need you to, we're going to need to do this again. So I'm super happy you're here, but you all talked through it, right?

Speaker 3:

Because typically Meredith and I will be like wait, don't say anything else, we're talking about this on the podcast. But you guys like Not.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it got to a point where I was like we could. I could fully debrief this with you, but will you do it on the podcast, because yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I can't wait.

Speaker 2:

But um yeah. How's everyone's weeks going? Before we dive in, it's Valentine's week. Caroline, just ate a big old meal.

Speaker 3:

I did. I just ate a.

Speaker 2:

You're sweating in the car.

Speaker 3:

I am I like keep adjusting because I can't breathe.

Speaker 2:

And you're in a fur coat. It's going to be degrees outside. Get comfortable, girl.

Speaker 3:

It's raining, it is.

Speaker 4:

It's been really a long Monday.

Speaker 3:

It really has it has. Do y'all have Valentine's plans? I'm like it's not up on.

Speaker 2:

You and I just made plans and they're not that far off from like a tip, like we typically do this once a week where we'll like order, take out, watch a show, just be like we're hanging out this way We've been watching Mr Mrs Smith with the new one first, skyn and what's in childish Donald Glover and we love it. It's really good. Have you all watched it yet? It is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think I'm a couple episodes behind you.

Speaker 4:

Okay, it's good, laurel, it's good and wants to, so you. So I've got the recommendation, so we should watch it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a good. I never watched the Angelina Jo Lee one. Did we talk?

Speaker 3:

about this last week too Okay. It's like it's. I am liking this more the Angelina Jo Lee. One feels very 2000s but like, not in, like a like. Watch it for the nostalgia, not for like the.

Speaker 2:

One of my friends was saying, like she loves it, I should absolutely go back and watch it. But I just imagine this one is very different from that one just because the two leads in this one are like generally in funny things, and so there's like lots of comedic relief and I generally just like plays out pretty, yeah, so anyway, yeah, they're not, as far as we know, hatching an affair on screen, so I have to a better start.

Speaker 3:

Laurel what are you doing for Valentine's Day?

Speaker 4:

We do have plans actually, which we don't usually. But Lula was doing A special and so I was like oh, it sounds really good. And it was just Valentine's, like just this Wednesday, like a pairing, so it's like three course, three wines, and I was like, well, that sounds really good.

Speaker 2:

And so Doing the pasta. Doesn't need to do pasta on Wednesdays, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I wouldn't say, but I'm guessing. Um, cool, yeah, I was like let's do that. And he got a. I think the last region was like a 540 was either 545 or nine and I was like who's that early bird special?

Speaker 2:

So, yes, I can't imagine eating a three course meal with wine pairings at nine o'clock at night. Yeah, I know I'd have to do jumping jack bedside jumping jacks, which is what I have to do whenever.

Speaker 3:

I decide to snack in bed too late and then I can't sleep because I'm too full. It did it like a gobo. We used to go I down to burrito at like 9pm in the morning. I did it like a gobo. We used to go I down to burrito at like 9pm in bed. And then how did you do? Jumping jacks? Had to. I should not.

Speaker 2:

I feel like after a burrito would not help.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it helps, it helps. I do it after like Thanksgiving too. Oh, it just like moves things along. You don't feel so.

Speaker 4:

Like a nice walk, but a little more yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's like a brisk walk, but you get to stay in your house.

Speaker 2:

I just can taste the acid reflux, but okay.

Speaker 3:

It's not great.

Speaker 2:

So that is, that's happening as well, oh man, okay. Well, Laurel, please inform us. We're not going to say the name of the place because we don't want to risk getting sued at any time.

Speaker 3:

Protecting their reputation.

Speaker 2:

So we'll be referring to this experience as the indoor water park. So how did you come across? How did you yeah, how did you get? This opportunity to visit an indoor water park.

Speaker 4:

Okay, yeah. So yes, this indoor water park resort you might call it, that's what they might I had heard of it because other people I know, some, some family, some friends have gone acquaintances. I always, even when people were like, oh, you should go, I was like an indoor water park, like no, no, because it's just no appeal, no, appeal, no.

Speaker 3:

I mean, water parks are barely appealing and they say it's inside, right, okay. So there's like kids with diarrhea swimming and a water park inside.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not so much worse, I mean right Is it just because it can be all year round. Like why? Who was like we should do this again, but put it inside?

Speaker 4:

Okay, I mean I don't know, but okay, so how I ended up going, because it is something that I would I would never do that.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I'll say that one more time.

Speaker 4:

I would be like, oh, I was saying normally it's something that I would never have done. And even when so our church was doing for like around December it was early January there was a deal they had and it was like your family can go with the church. So it was kind of like not really like a church trip, but it was like they had a deal and you could see other people there and it was just like something for your family to do around winter break. And somebody else that our friends with was like oh, are you going? And I was like no, why would anyone do that?

Speaker 4:

And I'm like my kids don't even know about it, like I think Ellis can read and saw it on the screen and I was like, don't worry about that, don't worry about what that is. Then they were like oh, it was another moment. She was like I don't like it either, but this other family's going and a few guys are going and all our kids are friends. So I was like well, if you don't like it either, maybe we can hang out together and do a lot of stuff.

Speaker 4:

So that's kind of how I got locked in, oh, and it was a really good deal, which again I'm like now you couldn't pay me now that I've been, but at the time I'm like wherever I'm going to go because, like the kids have kind of heard about it, like we might as well go and it's really cheap.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. People, we know yeah.

Speaker 4:

So we were like, yeah, let's just whatever, we'll do it. And Kevin was kind of like really. And then he was like all right, fine, so yeah. So we ended up going and I was just like it's one night, it's like a Friday evening, and then Saturday to the morning day I was like we can handle it, but yeah, people love it. I mean, like you were saying like what's the appeal? I mean I don't. I guess it's just like there's a lot of entertainment for your kids. Is there a bomb? But it's just the water park right.

Speaker 4:

There's a park that is the one thing that made it do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But honestly, when we walked in so like I mean I don't know if the whole like you start finished, but like when you want the details, like on a scale of one to 10, how wet was everything in the bar area.

Speaker 4:

I wasn't too bad, it's more just that it's all very muggy inside the whole area because it's it's you walking. I think it's 84 degrees. No, yeah, it's hot, and I'm like a hot natured person, like I don't enjoy being hot, and I was like, oh, it is really hot in here, which then later you realize, yes, because you're getting wet and there's no sun to dry you. So you're, you're gonna be freezing. You're just in an oven.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's which also you have to think about. This can't be great with all the germs which for someone like me. I'm thinking a little bit about the germs and the vlog yeah, thinking a lot about the germs.

Speaker 2:

The bare feet of the ringworm.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so that was gross, but yeah, I think it's. It's just very kid's focus, like I don't there's got to be. There's no way anyone in their right mind Like it would be creepy if someone came without it. I would be like what's wrong with me?

Speaker 2:

Whereas with other theme parks you can go on a date Like it's like you can go as an adult, it's normal to go without a child yeah, interesting, like go to the zoo, go to yeah, yeah, make it be fun yeah. Most theme parks other than this. It's like any any man's game Like this is for just kids. Yeah, this is for kids.

Speaker 4:

This is a hundred percent kid's center, to the point where even Kevin was like well it's, it's a, you know a, I don't know they do. They have a like at the hotel and a redor. He's like, so, is there hot tub? I was like no, I looked it up there's no hot tub. I'm like there's nothing for adults, I mean, except for the bar. There's the bar, okay.

Speaker 2:

There would be children in a hot tub. They know they there would be, so you just sit in the chair.

Speaker 3:

What's the visibility of the child? Like? Because that's something else where I'm like, am I going to be following my kid or around this?

Speaker 2:

whole time. Yeah, I mean it's pretty.

Speaker 4:

So you walk in and it's this huge space Really echoey, really bright lights, reeks of chlorine. Yeah, I was like burning my eyeballs. I got a migraine the first night. I mean no surprise. The sound just I mean it's just so loud, like the reverberation and everything Just so sensory and not in a good way, oh, screams. Yeah, yeah, so much loud, so close to you. Not clove and wet, you know, it's kind of like a crowded beach or something, but at least then you've got the fresh air. Yeah. And like nature yeah.

Speaker 2:

Right in the D Right. This is just Ocean as far as the eye can see, like we're all in a bath or toilet together, I don't know, it's gross. Oh, oh.

Speaker 4:

Okay, but yeah, I know I'm making it, so I feel so bad and see, I kind of feel like this. Other people like I literally have gone through this and I had I'm like what. Other people like this like what's wrong with me? I mean. My number one caveat was I do like being outside. That's like you're saying, feeling that's the one thing I like about a water park. I don't like water, but like I'll go. So I'm like, well, doesn't have that, and I'm like I don't know what you're offering me.

Speaker 2:

So not bad. But I've seen the pictures on social media where all the family is wearing the ears and we're doing the happy picture and I've thought there's a year, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Okay and I've thought like man.

Speaker 2:

They look like they're having a great time. It's not too far away. Like should we be doing this? Like I have thought that every time I see a happy family with the ears, I'm like. I know.

Speaker 4:

I will tell you our picture. I mean, granted, we probably shouldn't, we took it at the end. Our three kids looked like Get me out of here. I mean, I think at that point they were just like, okay, I'm over it, like, but, um, so we, you could see our picture. It's a little more real, maybe, maybe okay, I would love to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I so what so?

Speaker 3:

okay, wait, what were you gonna? Show ahead Caroline I just saw a viral video where, like there were I guess there was like a downstairs restaurant or something, and it like sprung elite and like Water was everywhere, like knee deep water filling the entire food court area oh and like Workers are just running around with giant dumpster trash cans trying to catch the water, no, and then there's just like a bunch of people in like wet t-shirts, video taping. It was like things of it. It looked like the Titanic, yeah, like. Waterpark. America.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's really terrible. I mean, luckily it didn't happen, but I can totally see that, because it's so much. That's what when we were there I was there was so much water going in and out of like I mean I just am like so how to keep this place going? I mean there's like several huge slides, there's like just a constantly going like not playground, but you know where the water things going.

Speaker 2:

The way level to me is just stressful just to think about.

Speaker 4:

I just yeah, and there's a. There's like a waiting pool, or what do they call it like a waiting pool, and it has like a motion of like waves away, mmm, and it's like every I don't know 15 minutes there's like an alarm sound, which is great, or it's like I really want that noise, and then the waves come, and so even when I'm like, okay, I'm playing with like my three-year-old and we're just kind of in the water and now there's a wave and I got worry about her Head getting covered up, like, but everyone's into it, they're all next to each other. It's very condensed. I just and then I also are there lifeguards? Yes, there are, but I think you're like 15.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I don't really. Yeah, but yeah, there's wild, I mean my. So my whole thing was I had, like my, I had my fake or not my fake my Birkenstocks that are like waterproof. You know, mm-hmm, we had those and I was walking around but then if you're gonna go in the water with your kids or like wait in line to go down a slide, which my oldest wanted to do you got to take them off. So then you end up kind of one your foot, and that was hard for me. Yeah, like I'm real is personal problem, a little bit of German, but like that was probably that's one of the hardest things. I kept like looking down and trying to like tip toe and I mean like look, it's on the ground, it's so wet like I don't know. So that was really that's one of the worst things, honestly.

Speaker 4:

Like what I just can't have anything for adults no talk or nothing. I mean it's very much like this is for your kids, like that's it, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

What so? What's the room like? Is the room at least nice, or is it like just your basic?

Speaker 2:

You're staying in the same building.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I know, and you never leave the building. That's the thing for someone. I like to get outside, I like to get fresh air. You never leave.

Speaker 2:

There's no patio. There's not like an outside bar.

Speaker 4:

You're going, I think during the summer there's an outdoor water park part, but it's like I mean. But then you even when you look out your balcony window, it's just a giant, never ending parking lot. Super depressing, like think about the mall and like if there were a water park in the mall. That's what it's like. Yeah. Like the mall maybe, but I never liked the mall still don't.

Speaker 3:

I Used to love the mall and I would never want to spend the night at one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, yeah, or swim at one or swim.

Speaker 4:

Right, and I mean I guess I used to like it too, but I can't be there that long. I mean, this is like food, um, like corn dog, oh, okay, first off, there's a Duncan donuts Okay, wait, I gave something away Sorry, brand names but there is there's a chain In the building, okay, so that I mean, which is actually not back, so like they're coffee and I'm fine with it. But, um, yeah, that's in there so you can order. Everything you can do is on your phone. I will say that's very convenient, because it's kind of weird, but it's it's like I could do it. I could order anything from my phone and just go pick it up. A pizza, coffee, donuts for the morning, you know, a burger, whatever, um, but yeah, the food is. I would say it's not like amazing, but it wasn't bad.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't know, it's not like overall company. It wasn't like that expensive. Okay, well, that's a.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was a yeah man. Okay, but you are even.

Speaker 4:

They had some beer in fact. Do they have coffee or something they had drink? I think they had make strengths too. I think we just had beer.

Speaker 2:

I mean they better, they better have a little Mai Tai. So what was I going to say? Okay, you mentioned too that they have a new, like a new event for teens, tweens and teens, that they do.

Speaker 4:

Oh my gosh. Yes, so that was the other thing I wanted to mention that we were going to talk about. So I'm also going to give it a magical experience, Like yeah, I don't know how to explain, it's like interactive magic game In the. It makes it seem like, oh, this is going to be in a separate area. No, it's just like in front of our room, Kind of yes, Do you know what I mentioned? Magic the game. Oh yeah.

Speaker 4:

It's a card game. Yeah, he said it was like that. I'm not like familiar, but it's yeah D&D, but like think of and I like stranger things, but this is like on overdrive. I mean, when we pulled up, like Kevin pulled up for me to like check in, which is the whole thing, and ahead of us was like a group of probably like early 20s, late maybe 18, 19 year old girls and maybe their mom or aunt I don't know Aunt, and then they were like that's a lot of people you know like they were like this is the place, like where are we?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I mean like why, are they going to a water park for this? Go to your local.

Speaker 4:

Those prosthetics are going to be floating in about 10 minutes. Right, they're going to be in the pool. There's like a whole cluster of people that come just for this and there's a lobby, and for someone who's over similarly easily like me, it's not good, not great. There's no hiding. There's no hiding for many of it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so it's just in the lobby, it's in the hallway. You get up the elevator for your floor, the room there's like a small seating area and then there's also these screens to do the magic game, Right, okay. And then you go to the hallway, to your room, and there's screens on the way that you're passing and you're passing kind of some strange people in cloaks that look like they're like going to Comic Con and they're right outside your room and this is so bizarre.

Speaker 3:

It's a lot. It's so odd. I don't understand who is like. I've got a great marketing idea Right Magic play. You know what the kids love?

Speaker 2:

They're at the water park yeah, you know what would have been more fitting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's working. I think they invite the mermaid People conventions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is so strange, it is very strange.

Speaker 3:

There's your kids in the way. Yeah, I was going to say on a 1 to 10, did your kids slash? What did your kids think? And then?

Speaker 4:

what did y'all think? Yeah, and that's when people because we got a lot of people asking how was it? And I was always like the kids loved it, we, like my husband, we survived. Like that's the way I would have it. Because I feel like that's the best way. I'm not going to, but I'm like listen, I'm just glad I'm alive and made it out of there Like it was terrible Okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm so glad you're letting the people know. You're letting them know. I mean I've heard people go and enjoy it.

Speaker 3:

I've been feeling like I should have told them. I think the people that go and enjoy it are like just general, like theme park people, which is fine. Yes. You know, me. I'm a bougie ass bitch. I do not go to theme parks unless they have a good fee Disney world or Harry.

Speaker 2:

Potter world.

Speaker 3:

I'm not going to any other theme park.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is very like this, doesn't feel like it has the best, Like they're trying to make kind of feel like I mean they're all over the moon, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yes, they are. They are, and I mean yeah it's just.

Speaker 3:

Is there more than one or it's only in one place? No, there's more than one.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there are.

Speaker 4:

And I have heard like, okay, I heard that there's another one at another location that does have hot tubs. I'm like still wouldn't go, but you know good, that does have hot tubs.

Speaker 2:

I'm just like hot tubs are sketchy anywhere. I don't know if they'd be more or less sketchy in an indoor water park facility. I know I also don't.

Speaker 4:

I'm like I don't even know if that would help me or not, I know.

Speaker 2:

Unless it was like in my room, which again sketchy, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I mean, what's happened before me, I know but yeah, I was saying who are the kind of people? I do know adults who like this as odd as it is, but there are generally people who have much higher talents for noise and like to be around a lot of people. Yeah, because for me that's just. I mean I can take that, but it's just so wrong.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Mary you would die, I would die, I would die. Mary can't even listen to Dave.

Speaker 3:

Matthews band, without getting worked up about the, about the jamming. I can't.

Speaker 4:

I mean Alviana still get me started on DMB, because I have fought through and Keith knows exactly.

Speaker 2:

He can like feel it in his bones now. We've been together so long that he like knows when a jam of any kind has gone on too long and then he like needs to skip, like he can feel before you before.

Speaker 3:

I'm like all right.

Speaker 2:

Bito. I had a sweet. I feel very known and loved because I hate a jam.

Speaker 3:

I can sense it coming to just like with if I'm at your house and something's happening, I'm like we better tone this shit down before Mayor. Mayor loses it, not like you lose it in like intense way, it's just like all of a sudden, you've been pushed over the edge. Yeah, I know so so, for what you're describing is my absolute nightmare.

Speaker 2:

And I hate and I'm like I was so hot, so muggy so, but like the sweat, like the air is just like a bunch of million children's sweat.

Speaker 4:

And it's like January. Like, I'll be honest, when I was packing I was like, what? Like, first of all it's January. I feel like all like I'm carrying a little holiday weight, I'm all bloated and I'm pale as hell. I'm just like I don't even. I also don't know what to wear, because I'm not going to wear like a cuba peeney and indoor fluorescent.

Speaker 2:

And you don't want to wear long sleeve, you don't want to wear your like sun shirt because you're inside, it's not sunny.

Speaker 4:

Yes, and I did. I actually did wear my rash guard because I was like this is all I feel comfortable wearing at this point in my life, right now, and you're like, this will protect me if I have any open wounds.

Speaker 3:

This will maybe protect any back to you. You have like a full wetsuit on.

Speaker 4:

I mean, honestly, I was kind of like I should have done that and as much as water shoes are ugly, I was like maybe I should have had those. Were there a lot of water shoes there, not as much as you think, but yeah, people just were. It was a little astonishing. I started to question myself. You know, like that, people did not seem bothered by just just walking around barefoot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're like is it me? Yeah, yeah, we have. So our older sister has a friend who is dating a guy that has children and she went with him to and she called our sister and was like I'm in the middle of it and she was like. She was like I don't know if I can do this Like Emily had to be like listen, no, like you're at an indoor water park. I don't know Water park.

Speaker 3:

Serious decisions yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like indoor water park.

Speaker 4:

This does not count. Like this is just.

Speaker 2:

She was like you, don't even have like a stake in this game. Like you didn't bring your kids, you know it's like you.

Speaker 4:

I can't imagine my own kids weren't there. I would have been out of it, I know. I was almost out of it with my kids there, I know.

Speaker 2:

Emily was like just make it home, just make it home, give it a couple of days, yeah absolutely. Yeah. Oh, that's so good. Well, ok, man, to route to close us out. What was your favorite part of the trip? If you had to pick something, what's a take home that you're like man, that was OK.

Speaker 4:

I mean, like I said, I will say the convenience factor of just ordering everything. I'm like at least I didn't have to carry around, like if I had my phone I could just be like, ok, I'm ordering a pizza for the kids, I'm ordering fries, like I'm getting this, we're ordering, we're in the room and I'm going to get a coffee and donuts. We're going to go pick it up. You know, like that was nice and convenient. So they did that well, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Was the room like? Did it have separate rooms or you guys are all sharing one big one? Yeah, you asked for a room.

Speaker 4:

The room was fine. It was clean. I had heard they were nice, but it was. It was just fine. I would say OK, that's about. It was big enough Telling us is what they did.

Speaker 2:

The worst was the actual indoor water park Right Like they're supposed to be doing, the.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, yeah, I think it's just like I don't know, I don't know that there's a wide adorbs. I think the one thing that could have made it better is not to have everything clustered together in a lobby. I don't think I mentioned this. I mentioned the magic thing. They also have a build-up there and they have, I believe that, mini golf and bowling, but it's all like no, none of this is full on. It's all like half fast versions, which is just like just don't do it.

Speaker 2:

You know, don't do it. What does a half?

Speaker 4:

fast, build a bear. Look like I. It's oh, it's like in the gift shop and it's like a Maybe a wall with like stuffing and random bears, like I mean it's like probably six feet by, I don't even know it's. So you do stuff the bear, yeah, but it's not like a whole place, it's just like a tiny section of the gift shop, like small enough that my kids didn't even notice. Thank God and asked about it.

Speaker 2:

OK, this is the weirdest thing.

Speaker 4:

There's also yoga going on in the lobby with like shows. Yes, this is all going out in the lobby, which also made me extremely stressed out, like you can't walk through without an event.

Speaker 3:

Did you take any pictures? I was about to say, did you? I thought you're going to ask her.

Speaker 2:

she took any. Like you know, I honestly Did you take any Because I was like I don't, oh my gosh, I wish I brought Xanax.

Speaker 4:

I had to have Kevin had the migraine. I had to have Kevin go get the best they had, because all I had of that, all the best they had, was like Nyquil and I was like just give it to me, so knock me out. And I did, thank God. But no, I mean the lobby with all the shows. It was like Chuck E Cheese type, the animatronic puppets. That was, oh my gosh, yeah, you're walking through all that to get your room and it's all together.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

The elves Was like also teens, and elf ears lining the walls also.

Speaker 4:

Right, just like in passing, like you're just passing by them. This is a big favor.

Speaker 2:

But oh yeah, wait, so was someone instructing yoga.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I believe. I mean we didn't see that, but it was just on the list. Oh, it was an activity, something going on at all times and all places Well what was the half-assed boy? I didn't actually see it, I heard it Shoulder lanes. It was like the pin through, like attached to like strings, Like I think it was you guys. Yeah, I'm kind of glad to see. It would have been really sad. I'm sure I hate that.

Speaker 3:

This is so bizarre. I just loved here we should have brought someone else on that loved the experience because I'm like this sounds like my worst nightmare. I need to understand what type of people like going to this.

Speaker 4:

I hate to say that I can understand that, but okay, and she's gone many times no, okay.

Speaker 3:

I know a couple of people that have gone and enjoyed it and I just like I'm like I need to know what we need to recap, right yeah.

Speaker 4:

I mean, yeah, you should be, but I will like. Every time she said to me, because when she was like, did you like it? I was like, well, I don't want to offend her because I'm like, I know you love it. But she was like, oh, she's like for me and her kids are a little older.

Speaker 2:

So they just go.

Speaker 4:

She's like I love it because they go play and I just get my house one and she's like can I just sit back and chill, which? I'm like that's the and that's my thing, but that's why I'm saying she is really high, she's one of those.

Speaker 2:

She can tune it out. I can't do it. I don't have that skill.

Speaker 4:

It's like cool, good for you. And she also doesn't mind being inside Like I. Just I literally go to the one of the far bathrooms that was by the wall, the exit, because no one was over there just to look outside at that. It's a fresher and quiet. I was like over the brim myself, like like breathe it in the back. It's okay, you can make it, you can get through this.

Speaker 3:

I can go outside if I need to.

Speaker 2:

I'm not trapped here by the landscape Like do I need to? Do? You need help? He's like opening the door for you.

Speaker 3:

I also like can't say much because I I'm like I need to know what makes these people tick, and I know people feel the same way about me. Love me, love me, world. So know that, take all of this with a grain of salt.

Speaker 2:

I just I've got strokes for different folk.

Speaker 4:

You know I felt bad when I was telling people. I'm like the kids loved it. I don't. I mean, do you want to get into it? And you guys want to do it, and I appreciate it. I just want to listen.

Speaker 2:

We'd love to hear it.

Speaker 4:

I tried to break it down because I was like what is it? What's wrong with me? But I'm like for a lot of it is that I just don't like being inside that long in that with loud noises and children and children.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

A lot of no's for me. Well, thanks so much. This is great. I hope everyone learned something. You didn't. It was great I I love an honest review.

Speaker 3:

Love and honest. If we have any listeners that feel the opposite way, please send us five paragraph essays, because I need to know, yeah, why. What are the pros to this place?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, well, um, thanks guys, this was super fun.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thanks. Happy early Valentine's Day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, enjoy the week. Hope your head stay well and stops raining for everyone.

Speaker 4:

I'm very excited Again someone who likes sun and sun's coming out tomorrow, yeah great. So it's okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

Great, all right.

Speaker 3:

We will see you next Tuesday.