Sister Sh*t

Polly Pockets + Anal Glands

Caroline Smith and Meredith Walker Season 1 Episode 23

Every Christmas has its own set of quirky stories and this episode is no exception. We kick things off by unraveling the festive mysteries of Canada's Boxing Day, a tradition as puzzling as it is cherished. You'll be transported back to those hazy post-holiday moments, where the rush of Christmas morning fades into the peculiar calm of adolescence—those days when we'd wonder, "What now?" after all the presents were unwrapped. Sit back and chuckle along with us as we share the enchanting chaos of childhood Christmases, filled with unexpected pets and living room seesaws that left indelible marks on our hearts.

As the scent of pine lingers and the last of the Christmas cookies crumbles, we take a trip down memory lane, savoring the sweet nostalgia of Polly Pockets and Bitty Babies. Join us as we unwrap the memories tied to gummy clothes and dolls, and the evolving Christmas wish lists that eventually included practicality over pure fun. Yet, as we recount tales of Zen gardens and coffee makers, you'll see how holiday gifts can strike a balance between whimsy and utility. Wrapping up with a heartfelt farewell, we send you off with laughter and the warm glow of festive cheer, promising to reconnect on the flip side of this year. So until next Tuesday—and next year—keep those holiday spirits bright!

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Sister Shet. I'm Caroline.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm on the drum, yeah, I'm on the snare drum, should we?

Speaker 2:

just sing the entire Justin Bieber Christmas album.

Speaker 1:

I want to learn that rap so bad Me too.

Speaker 2:

Whenever we were getting our facials done for my birthday, the esthetician and me at one point looked at each other and we're like it's about time for me to act narrowly, it's about time for me to give to charity. We, like both, were like, staying in the words, staring deeply into each other's eyes. It's amazing, oh man.

Speaker 1:

Well, we hope everyone had a great Christmas yesterday. Yes, it's that day. That feels really weird. If we were in Canada it would be Boxing Day.

Speaker 2:

I know what do they do on Boxing Day over in Canada.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I don't know. I think they box stuff up, right. Isn't that what it is? It's like when you're like Caroline's grabbing her phone, Pretty sure. It's like when you're like packing everything back up.

Speaker 2:

Boxing Day? Is it a holiday celebrated after Christmas Day? What? There is a lot that goes into this Wait really. The Boxing Day test. Boxing Day disambiguation what is that?

Speaker 1:

St Stephen's Day. These are all the same holiday, oh.

Speaker 2:

Disambiguation Okay, no, no.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What is disambiguation? It's just like all the songs and movies called Boxing Day and like telling the difference between them. Oh, okay. Though it originated as a holiday to give gifts to poor people, today Boxing Day forms part of Christmas celebrations, with many people choosing to take advantage of Boxing Day sales. Oh, so kind of like Black Friday but after. Christmas, I guess, If we have any Canadian listeners which I'm sure we do not, because we are not that popular- I am 100% sure we do not. But if we do, please enlighten us on this.

Speaker 1:

Well, anyway, it's Boxing Day. It's Boxing Day and Happy Boxing Day. Happy Boxing Day. You're either at your in-laws' house hiding in the bathroom listening to this podcast to find some solace, you're in the car getting away from your own family. Yeah, making some returns at Target.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you're sitting around the fire listening to this with your whole family. That's a really cozy thought. I hope that's happening.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. I know Christmas can really go one of two ways Good or bad. It's usually good, yeah, it is. I honestly can't really say if I've ever had any bad Christmases.

Speaker 1:

Same. But, it's like the teenage years of Christmas, where the weirdest, where you're like open all the boxes. Who am I? What?

Speaker 2:

do I want, and then you're like what do? That is the weirdest part of Christmas, where you're like what do I do now?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. When you're a teenager, you're like we did the family stuff. I opened my presents. Thanks, Mom and Dad, this has been awesome. Can I go?

Speaker 2:

hang out with friends.

Speaker 1:

I remember being like which friends is it okay for me to call to see if I can hang out with them? Because it's like a boundary you're not going to cross with some friends because you're not that close. But Mom would always let me call the chambers and see if I could hang out and they would always say yes.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. Thanks, ann, thanks, miss Connie, thank you, yeah. Well, and I remember we went through this phase where we'd go see a movie Mm-hmm which I loved, but that time, between like opening presents and seeing the movie, felt like so long.

Speaker 1:

So, long, which shouldn't, because you have all these new toys. Oh, I know, it's so weird.

Speaker 2:

It's a weird day.

Speaker 1:

I think it's. For me it was like so much anticipation, so much like I remember I was always embarrassed because you were younger than me, but you'd always fall asleep before me and then I would always wake up before you. I was like the most Excited about it like could not conceal the excitement I think I just like built it up so much and the ones it's over. It's like you crash.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I remember the one Christmas that you and I played together on Christmas. Maybe there were two the year we got the seesaw the year we got the seesaw and mom and dad Let us use it in the living room and there were nuts on the table and the seesaw spun around in a circle, and so we'd like hop around and get a nut and then like, eat it and then like we did that for what feels like a wrong. I know it's funny is my kid.

Speaker 1:

My girls are the ages now that, like they're starting to do little games like that and Like this morning they were in bed with me and they were playing this game For ever, where they just took turns saying do, do, do, do. Going to the mall. Oops, I slipped on a banana With their fingers, I guess I think they were like pretending to walk and they're going to somewhere.

Speaker 1:

I was just like it's laying there with my eyes closed, listening to it forever and I was thinking like I remember being this yeah, except you, and I never not with you. But like the seesaw with the nuts, I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I could. That's a core memory. Yeah, I could see them doing that. Other core memory was the year we got guinea pigs. Yeah, that's endless I was gonna say we could go into that, because talk about anticipation. I know.

Speaker 1:

I knew they were gonna be there. I always I hated a surprise. I always wanted to know what I was getting.

Speaker 2:

I know mirror well and that was like the only thing we asked for that year and I think you like got me on board about. I for sure like hey wouldn't it be really cool if we got guinea pigs?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then it was took it to the next level of like.

Speaker 1:

Cool, wouldn't it?

Speaker 2:

be really cool if you chose a name, for you're gonna be off of this tiny fucking list of Like four names. They're all human and they were all human names and I wanted to name mine snowball and she, literally on Christmas Day, was like no, it has to be a human name, you can't choose that some stuff my girls would do too, like a veil man.

Speaker 1:

She birthday was three days away and she today was like can we play Zelda kit? Because it's almost my birthday, so like, can we play the game I want to play? And Kate was like not buying it. She was like no, I want to play Mario Kart.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I are guinea pigs. Names literally were Betsy and Liz, and I still am just shook by that. And Meredith would listen to guinea pig noises. You were mine, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I was very excited about the guinea pigs, so it's very, they lived in my freaking room no they lived in mine for a while, cuz they were loud, we passed them off to each other. They were so loud.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, that was another time I feel like we bonded was when we got a puppy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that wasn't for like overnight, but we had to like take care of animals together. It was like we're parenting remember Okay, though my court chorus to memory from having Guinea pigs was that mom it was like the first time I'm she had bought kale and I was like what is this like? I'd like never seen it before. She's like oh, people don't need it, it's just for animals.

Speaker 2:

Little did she know, but ten years later that shit would be popping everywhere.

Speaker 1:

I know, but I really don't think it was just her. I think people like didn't eat kale or wait, was it just us?

Speaker 2:

No, no, that it's same with avocados like what. I feel like no one really ate avocados. We literally millennials caused an avocado shortage.

Speaker 1:

Wait because of the toast.

Speaker 2:

I think we just were eating that shit. We're right at one point was opening up an avocado, dumping some hot sauce and sea salt and pepper on it and eating it with a spoon.

Speaker 1:

That sounds delicious, do? You know, what I I do. You know what I craved when I was pregnant.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I hate it.

Speaker 1:

Honey and avocado avocado toast, Drizzled and honey. But you know it's funny. I I've seen it on a menu like menus a few times like I think it's like not that weird, but it's like I like craved it when I was pregnant. I don't know why it's very mushy. It's a lot of mushy texture.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but it's yeah so I don't think mom was the only one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was walking in my co-worker today and she was like I was a product of the 80s, so I grew up on that tang and I was like Tang what who? Was it orange, mm-hmm? And it came in the powder and you just like yeah.

Speaker 1:

Remember high C? That's still around, Is it? It's in the soft drink machine still isn't it?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, there are so many things.

Speaker 1:

Over-ovalteen. Mom would not buy Nesquik, but she'd buy us Ovalteen, ovalteen and it tasted just fine and we complained about it but we drank that. Mom's always like. Y'all complained about it all the time but y'all drank it like. I went through two things a week. I know we freaking loved it.

Speaker 2:

It's so funny.

Speaker 1:

I can still taste it if I think about it.

Speaker 2:

It literally tastes like chocolate and hot chocolate.

Speaker 1:

It tastes like vitamin hot chocolate. Yeah, it's like Flintstone vitamins.

Speaker 2:

I hate Flintstone vitamins. I'll still taste some things that taste. I wasn't a kid that could like get past a bad flavor with a little bit of sugar.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know We've already heard about the hot, the freaking McDonald's hamburger.

Speaker 2:

I know I could not ever get down a Flintstone vitamin. Something about it.

Speaker 1:

I just hate them, they're weird but I was describing them to Vale the other day because they eat the gummy vitamins and those are delicious. You're so lucky I know, and I was like. She was like. She always asked me like did you have this when you were a kid? And I was, like let me tell you, vitamins have come a long way.

Speaker 2:

They have come a long way, sim. Today was singing Little Einstein's. And he was like did you watch that when you were a kid? And I was like no, I think I babysat kids that watch that yeah, why do? You know about Little Einstein's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, where are you watching Little Einstein's?

Speaker 2:

school. I don't know, but he does the same thing where he asked me like did you do this when you were a kid? The other day he said can you tell me stories of when daddy was a kid?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I was like I wasn't there, but I can think of a couple. That's funny. I know it's cute, I know Cute. Okay, but back to Christmas. What is your favorite Christmas present that you ever received?

Speaker 1:

My Sky Dancer.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that thing was amazing, I loved the Sky Dancer my surf board. That was awesome.

Speaker 1:

That was very exciting.

Speaker 2:

I was stoked for you. Yeah, that was exciting.

Speaker 1:

I also got the Cabbage Patch doll one year that had that eight stuff. It would like chomp, chomp, chomp and then it would end up in the backpack. But it got recalled because it was eating kids hair. Anytime something would touch its mouth it would just like chomp, chomp, chomp and suck it in and so like kids hair was eating In their backpack.

Speaker 2:

Hair in their backpack.

Speaker 1:

So and I remember mom explaining it to me and me being like mom, I'll never do that, and she was like we have to bring it back. Like I got recalled and Aunt Reen took me to Kmart to bring it back. And I remember actually the thing I chose was a hit on the playground, like it ended up being very fun.

Speaker 2:

What did you choose?

Speaker 1:

I think there were like some little I was going to say my little fairy house, but it wasn't. It was like these little like little animal like I loved, little like little miniature things.

Speaker 2:

You did Me and Aunt Chambers played with it. I was always jealous of you not jealous of you, but I wanted to like stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Like stuffed animals and little toys, but I always like.

Speaker 2:

I did not like little other than polypockets.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you did love polypockets. Wait, what was your favorite? My jam.

Speaker 2:

Christmas present. Honestly, I mean, I loved the sea salt. That was amazing, the sea salt, the sea salt. Also, one year we got a trampoline, but it wasn't bouncy.

Speaker 1:

No, it was like they were really trying to figure out the trampoline, and so they got rid of the springs and did elastic bands, but it was not bouncy, but it was so hot that Christmas that we put a sprinkler under it and jumped on it with a sprinkler, which was fun, but that wasn't my favorite.

Speaker 2:

That was after I asked Santa for a trampoline for years, and every year he'd write me a note and say sorry, we're all out.

Speaker 1:

I was like bitch.

Speaker 2:

I know you can just make this Santa does not run out of things. But, I finally got it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was not a good one, it wasn't bouncy His elbows messed up on that one.

Speaker 2:

I think mine honestly might be the Polly Pockets with the gummy clothes you got that for Christmas. Yes, one year and I just remember being like. This is amazing because I loved Polly Pockets, but they're kind of hard to play with, they're tiny. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and this is like that, but bigger, and it has the gummy clothes.

Speaker 1:

But you can chew on so many options and I can chew on them.

Speaker 2:

I chewed. I saw that.

Speaker 1:

The gummy clothes are pretty fun. I thought it was just me.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was just me that chewed on the clothes. And then I saw this meme that was like showed a picture of the Polly Pocket and it was like throwback, like who remembers these? And someone commented man, I really just want to chew on her jacket right now. And I was like, oh, it's not just me. Yeah, I also one year this was before then got it for my birthday, which I have a December birthday, so they get very jumbly, but somebody gifted me a Polly. I really loved the Polly Pocket.

Speaker 2:

It's a Polly Pocket that had. It was a spa.

Speaker 1:

And you would put water. I remember that I put water in it and the whole case was clear. Yes, app thing was chic. I love that thing.

Speaker 2:

It was so bad, I know I just pressed the little air puffer and it would make bubbles in the jacuzzi. Yes, I love that thing, I mean you're playing with things that are the size of like a tic-tac, I know, but it was so cool.

Speaker 1:

I love that thing, I also got.

Speaker 2:

Bitty Babies one year and that was exciting. Mom went all out. She got me like the little play table with the high chair.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the girls have all that Bitty Baby stuff now. Yeah, they're not into the Bitty Babies already. They are a little bit.

Speaker 2:

I loved a Bitty Baby man, christmas man. I was saw this thing too, where it was like it's that time of year where all the home toiletries become a Christmas present.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I was like that ain't the truth, that ain't the truth.

Speaker 2:

Wait until Christmas. It'll be in your stocking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which that just reminded me I just got stocking stuffers today. I totally forgot to get all the toiletries stuff.

Speaker 2:

I know I love to stick like a new toothbrush.

Speaker 1:

I know Toothpaste and some shampoo. Keith hates it. He always like hated it growing up but I kind of liked it. I did too, because Maybe because it was like more girly, though Guys don't care about that kind of stuff, I know.

Speaker 2:

I always stick beard stuff in Jays and he's like Thanks, I got him some dark circles, dark eye circle stuff, oh, and then I returned it for this year and then I returned it. So I was like I just spent so much money on this and he is not going to use it.

Speaker 1:

Keith, I used to get to you know how dad always put like little toys in our like. Even we were like a doll. I don't know Like he's always loved like little vintage toys and things. Keith will never let me forget about the time I got him a mini Zen garden for his desk. I would love. I know. I know he thought it was so stupid.

Speaker 2:

You also didn't you get in with coffee maker, one too.

Speaker 1:

Like a bad one it was like a coffee mate, like the cheapest one, okay, but let me explain. Let me explain, was it? No, but that was father's day, which is worse. He I know he's loving me putting myself on blast for this, cause it was bad. It was like I had gotten him other things, like that was not the only thing I got him, I had gotten him like other things and it was like a last minute, like I feel like I need to get him a little something else and we need a coffee pot.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I would so do some shopping. I know, I know, and he, I thought that was the only thing.

Speaker 1:

No, I got him like pair of pants. I got him like, not like normal stuff, and then also the coffee pot and he just thought it was so dumb that I didn't just like buy the coffee pot and put it on the counter.

Speaker 2:

Jay gets mad at me for that, because I will ask for things that I need for holidays, like I'll ask for a coffee pot.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of boring to get that stuff, or I'll ask for, like my 30th birthday, all I wanted was a vacuum.

Speaker 2:

Oh thank you. And he's like just buy yourself a vacuum. And I'm like, no, I don't want to spend the money.

Speaker 1:

I guess I'll ask my mom to get it for me, I know, and mom's the same way, so she's like, sure I know, remember when her mom texted she like texted us in the group chat recently a picture of her mop or no, dad.

Speaker 2:

Dad sent a picture of mom's new mop and was like mom's new mop, no, I don't remember this and everyone was like Was it a? Holiday, no, but like dad was so excited because mom had been wanting it for so long, I guess, and finally got it for me. And I remember getting it and being like, oh yay, mom finally got her mop that she wanted, cause I've been wanting it too. It's the Oceder one, where you like pump it and it spins all the dirty water around and separates the dirty water from the cleaner.

Speaker 1:

You and mom are the same Cause. That is boring.

Speaker 2:

Like I wouldn't be upset if I opened that, if it was not my only gift.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see, that's the thing. I'll take a practical gift Like I don't mind if it's a practical gift, I just don't want it to be like the main event.

Speaker 2:

I went through this phase where I kept getting Jay this sounds so selfish and I don't even want to say this out loud, but I kept accidentally doing this without realizing it getting him things that I also wanted.

Speaker 1:

Like what I mean, like concert tickets or record player.

Speaker 2:

Like I kept getting him things that were like also on my list.

Speaker 1:

Those are good gifts, though, across the board I'd say, but like what? Concert tickets? Like Justin?

Speaker 2:

Bieber, no, no, no, no, like some reggae concert that we, like both, wanted to go to. This was a while ago. I know better than Justin Bieber. He wouldn't not. He told me he was gonna get me Sam Hunt, which at this point. He's just saying it to piss me off because we like both make fun of Sam Hunt. Is this country singer, the one that talk sings?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

He'll be like I was walking through the town and my girl was doing this and this and this.

Speaker 1:

Like he'll be like talking, and then all of a sudden he's singing.

Speaker 2:

That sounds awful.

Speaker 1:

And he's coming to Columbia.

Speaker 2:

And Jay is like you and Sim are getting Sam Hunt tickets in your stocking baby. He's like.

Speaker 1:

Oh man yeah.

Speaker 2:

But Sim doesn't understand humor like that yet, and so he genuinely thinks he's going to see Sam Hunt as his first concert.

Speaker 1:

Oh, does he like him Very excited. Oh he is uh-oh, Uh-oh. That's not good, Are you? I know?

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm yawnin', so yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm for a nap.

Speaker 2:

I hope to haul it. Yeah, I know what are y'all. What is your favorite meal for Christmas? Well, we can go there real fast.

Speaker 1:

I mean dad's pork, I mean beef or pork tenderloin, beef tenderloin.

Speaker 2:

No, he does prime rib. What no, doesn't he do a tenderloin?

Speaker 1:

I thought he did the prime rib with um. All I know is it is some moist, yummy meat and it.

Speaker 2:

See, I don't eat it. He makes, oh, he makes, that he don't eat beef. And so every year, pork tenderloin, pork tenderloin sauce oh my gosh, I think that's it's. So Is that prime rib that you eat that with? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know. Tenderloin, it's like little discs, yeah, like a kind of. He's done both, I think, but he typically does the beef tenderloin.

Speaker 2:

I don't eat any of it. So I don't know. I always am debuting some random things.

Speaker 1:

I just I miss dad. I think that's the thing I miss the most about. Doing Christmas at home is like dad's Remember one year he made us buffalo Buffalo what? Let's end on this story, like an actual buffalo. Let's end on this story.

Speaker 2:

Wait, okay, so one year our dad went through this phase where he was like, really, I mean, he's always been very into cooking and he sorry, I just took over this is just such a good story.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited because I don't remember what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

So one year our dad decided to make us buffalo, which like okay.

Speaker 1:

I don't think anyone was that excited about it, but he was very excited about it. You'll know what I'm talking about in just a minute.

Speaker 2:

So he invites his employee to come do Christmas dinner with us, who he was working at a golf course, and he invites we just like moved not just moved to Charleston, but I guess this guy had like just started working for my dad.

Speaker 1:

He was like in his young 20s.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was like 20 something early 20s and it had just started working for my dad and didn't go home for Christmas, and so dad invited him to come do Christmas with us and we're eating buffalo. We're very excited for this buffalo meal because dad's been like I can't really forgot I was buffalo all day on it and then the entire meal was clouded. I could not you forgot it was buffalo, because we I don't even remember what it tasted like. I remember anything other than that the entire room smelled like ass.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, yes and we couldn't figure out what it was and we just kept being like gosh, something reeks. And I'm not talking like an Occasional to like, I'm talking like full-on butthole.

Speaker 1:

Smell what it's smell so like bad and not to mention. I'm like in the prime of like the thick of middle school years and Just embarrassed about being alive. And there's this like young 20s guy at the kitchen table and Our house smells like shit and I am in elementary school and you just think everything's freaking hilarious so I like can't get my shit together. I'm just dying laughing about the fact that I remember being so feeling Awkward about it. I don't remember you laughing, so I remember being like.

Speaker 2:

This is hilarious.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to die.

Speaker 2:

I was talking about how stinky this is. It smells horrible, yeah, and it did like. Aside from me thinking it was hilarious, I think we were everyone was like what is that it was? Horrific. So then we go to church and we smell it all through the Christmas Eve service.

Speaker 1:

This smell everyone's like checking their shoes.

Speaker 2:

We thought someone had stepped in dog poop. Like when it we say it smells like, it smelled like shit. It literally smelled like shit. And so then apparently the guy like pulled my dad's and was like hey, your dog. We had a very old, ginormous Chesapeake Bay retriever and he was like your dog's butt Like rubbed against my knee and a bunch of slick would. And I think that that's what stinks, and sure enough caddy's anal glands had expressed on this guy's I.

Speaker 1:

What, what point, at what point in the dinner? Do you think that he realized it?

Speaker 2:

was him like immediately, I was like really nice.

Speaker 1:

Like Caroline still dying? Do you think he knew the whole time and he just like didn't know what to do?

Speaker 2:

I think he knew immediately. How do you not know?

Speaker 1:

and you like, can't get rid of that smell anal gland juice.

Speaker 2:

Oh here, nice Christmas suit. You would know that me, lee, especially if you're dressing for success for your boss, you're very aware of what you have on, and now your knee is wet, oh.

Speaker 1:

My gosh, I didn't. Yeah, I had to completely forgot that. That was the year we had. Buffaloed was like a big deal.

Speaker 2:

I know, and it was ruined by our dogs.

Speaker 1:

But I think it was hilarious for a girl, everyone. I just feel so bad for you. Apparently you're having a good hilarious.

Speaker 2:

I also loved that guy like he. Him and I had like a relation, not we just were like. I saw him every day because dad would pick me up from school.

Speaker 2:

I'd hang out at the golf course for like two hours and so I like knew him, so I thought I was real jazzed about him coming for Christmas. He did not have a good time, apparently, but I'm like just thinking about us in the Christmas Eve service with the candlelight, because you know how you like travel lights and you sing silent night and we're all just like Breathing in the worst smell of all time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That was good times.

Speaker 1:

great, that was great. Well, I don't, I don't know what that guy is up to. I wonder if he thinks about that. I Probably he does he probably.

Speaker 2:

I hope he knows that he doesn't need to be embarrassed. I know because it is a highlight of our Christmas Eve's Davis family Christmas Eve's.

Speaker 1:

Oh man.

Speaker 2:

Man yeah.

Speaker 1:

I tried to sell that, tell us very recently actually, and it was a total bust. Why, I don't know. I just your delivery was perfect. That was a really funny. I told it in a really awkward way. I had nobody laughed. Helena's mom, she was like oh, and I was like haha, it was really funny.

Speaker 2:

God, I know your audience you gotta, yeah, I think I've told it before and it didn't. That is something we got from. Dad, too, is telling the same damn story.

Speaker 1:

I know years and years and years and finding it just as funny, I know Just never like with like that doesn't matter what other people think two guys dying laughing, and it was like me and my friends laughing about the same shit.

Speaker 2:

We've been laughing over 14 years. Oh, all right, all right. Well, I hope your Christmas has been Warm and bright. What's another? I hope it's brought you comfort and joy and Good tidings.

Speaker 1:

We're brought God. Yes, rest you married, gentlemen. All right, see you next.

Speaker 2:

Tuesday See you next Tuesday. Wait, we missed the perfect opportunity to say See you next year. Oh, see you next year.